Mister Right

I’m right there with you.  I’m admittedly not on the leading edge of the music industry, but this guy’s existence is a mystery to me.

TBH: Other than these articles on Jezebel about his troubles with the law for the last year or so, I have never heard of this person.

I see where your getting at. We didnt have cable TV where we lived in the 1970's, so no cable bill, or internet bill, or Xbox Live subscription. etc.. And we played outside and loved it damn it!

I have thought for some time that people view cost of living the wrong way. I remember a financial planner commercial from the '90's that had a guy in his 30's talking about how mom never had to work and they never had any bills. Why, he wondered, couldn't he do it?

I think there's a difference between a more efficient appliance and an automatic appliance. Take for instance cleaning the floor. Early on this was done by hand and so the floor didn't get cleaned very often. These days we use a manually driven vacuum. This would take about the same amount of time, but result in a

Not to mention, we'll have to work more hours to earn enough money to buy all of the latest gadgets to live up to the new standard of living.