
And your next NFL bust is.....

Discredited Wall St. predictors => future “climate” scientist.

Awwww.. Princess, it’s like all the bullshit, hack-job “stories” you were handed by the DNC made no difference!

Okay, fuck you, and please leave the planet now. Thanks, you retard.

Holy hell, Wednesday morning is going to be hell for you retards. I’m making book on how long you refuse to type the words President and Trump together. It’ll be the shit sandwich of all time.

Do you actually believe the bullshit you spew, or is this just what the DNC assigned to you?

Who asked the mangina to speak?

Seriously? She works for a confirmed sexual predator, and is a status driven political whore just like her. Endured? Fucking please.

You’re a fucking moron.

OMG... someone that denies fake science? How dare they?

“Ashley Feinberg’s posts are shitty, hack job, wannabe journalism on a loop”

Hell hath no fury like a black woman separated from a paycheck.

Obviously it was the police... with their penchant for shooting black kids. #blacklivesmatter... but only when political hay can be made of them.

Yet more proof that leftists are only generous with OTHER people’s money. Don’t dare come after theirs!

Thank GOD! Finally someone intelligent and possessing a keen political mind has endorsed Clinton....

HOLY SHIT! A rich guy didn’t pay taxes? This has to be the worst case of tax evasion in history!!

California going bye bye? Who do I bribe to get this done?

Is it free life preserver night at the park?

And this is why women make less. $1000 says she went to an Ivy League or wannabe Ivy League California school?

So a dyke no one had ever heard of, or cared about, stands in solidarity with a backup, recently black quarterback in protest of an imaginary problem, in order to... what? Become more of a joke than women’s soccer? Prove that you can be famous for being an idiot?