
Not sure where you’re from, but stopping (even on the hard shoulder) is gambling with your life in California. People are stupid, people are distracted, people like to swerve INTO the shoulder to use it as a travel lane unexpectedly. Fuck call the CHP and go “hey I got a video of an accident where can I

My hands are moving fine, but I can’t seem to move my jaw...

I think you could get tetanus just from looking at the picture.

ahahahhahahhahahhahhahhahaaaaa........i think i need another tetanus jab now


Maybe he thought it was low on blinker fluid

worth the purchase if it’s hardtop. Worthless as a convertible.

We used to do that as kids as well, have some neat flattened coins as a result

More than 100K on the odometer... CHECK

Yeah, I heard that could happen in an episode of The Adventures of Pete and Pete. Although in that episode the train didn’t derail.

Schrödinger’s car

Oh, rats. I thought this article was about identifying female perps in a criminal line up!

I live in Poland now. I have a choice of at least 5 ISPs that I know of :D

“No detergents that contain animal fats”

Accomplish a reverse pass! Left signal on, merge into next lane, brake so tailgater passes you on the right, right signal on, merge back into the slow lane behind him.

My personal record is 40 mph. I was down to 40 before the lady behind me figured it out.

That happens all day, every day in NH and MA.

That one in the middle is a budget breaker.

I happen to have this situation happen to me all the time. I don’t drive on that highway anymore.

I’ve had that happen. If I’m not in a hurry, I’ll just gradually go slower and slower. Usually they pass as soon as you’re doing about 5 under, but sometimes they’re clearly not paying attention and you end up doing 30 in a 70. Getting to a complete stop seems like it could be dangerous, but I’ve always wondered what