
I think Ford should just embrace the meme and produce a Special “Cars & Coffee” Edition Mustang with traction control and all wheel drive... and collision avoidance

Yeah, I forgot about bears but I still really want an in dash coffee maker... I think it could (maybe) actually work

cooking spray along the edge of your doors

Coupé d’état...

What was Lauer’s starting salary? 

Weird superpowers... you mean like having fangs in your vagina?

I’m going to write a virus that targets Sony CLIÉ devices...

And will the top model still have a 12 banger? I love saying that because some people fucking lose their shit when you say 8 banger

There’s more than one Audi? (pronounced Aww-Dee)

Well technically they’re targeting Jersey...

I was a waiter once upon a time and tried to explain the difference between Good vs Bad Customers and I got yelled at literally for days because “I got Paid and ITS MY FUCKING JOB TO DEAL WITH YOUR SHIT”


Came here to say exactly that, “You still have Facebook... y’know AOL doesn’t even exist anymore right?”

When I win the lottery I’m getting one with a custom plate that says “Ecks-Bow”

I think you could get tetanus from the fucking windshield...

Yeah but as far as $kaycog goes... how many chucks could a would chuck chuck if that fender could defend’er

But... just LOOK at the shine on those tires

No...’Muricans only care about what they are told to care about by the media