
I am David Tracy and I approve of this Jeep Mod

Ferrari’s Now Threatening To Quit F1 And Start A Rival Racing Series

The handles need to go all the way down underneath the bottom to support the items in the bag... like the one I got from State Farm.

Forgot one

Sort of related... a woman I worked with took a business trip to Knoxville and the woman she traveled with ate a huge disgustingly greasy 5 Guys burger & fries immediately before flying home and of course spent half the trip in the bathroom.

Aztek 2...

And on top of all that they named it the TuRD PRO

What Causes Amtrak Trains To Derail

Uber Claws is Coming to Town

I disagree... the first thought that came to mind when I saw the truck was BOTOX

The ball is down where his knee hit the ground but all that is simply irrelevant because the Detroit Lions are going to win the Super Bowl

I know I’m going to piss off everyone but honestly I’ve seen sexier wheels at Sears Automotive... I’m joking of course/sort of. Yes I know these are all about super light weight etc.

Macbook with a single USB

Certified Pre-Owned

$Three Hundred Fiddy Thousand dollar TaTa’s?

Good point

2 things I want to discuss

I drive the speed limit in the slow lane (I’ve learned my le$$on) and faster than the limit when passing in the passing lane/s... OK, Y’all understand that, yeah?

What to Do When You and Your Partner Haven’t Had Sex in a Year

Black Aluminum Shift Knob