
Star for the Sinéad reference... she needs to make a new pop album or whatever and quit with the Irish country music (for a while anyways)

Looks like it should float

We had a silver car once...

I hope you remembered where you parked if you know what I mean...

Yeah because Romeo has a bad habit of dying... Oh, wait, that’s actually appropriate somehow

If you look beyond the ugly... my biggest issue is the lack of a snorkel intake & exhaust.

In true Apple style it will have only one pedal

Looks like it aught to have some kinda howitzer or something... maybe tank treads?

nevermind... I goofed

Their lips are moving?

Gimme some paw baybe! Owoooooooo

Perhaps we should just paws and prey for a moment because it could have been a cat-tastrophe

For $50 more I got a DeWalt miter saw... I’m tempted but I need the miter saw more than the Legos

For $50 more I got a DeWalt miter saw... I’m tempted but I need the miter saw more than the Legos

Maybe I’m off subject but why doesn’t Nintendo just make a smart phone already? The obvious answer is Android vs Nintendo and you know damn well that’s never going to happen.

If it pleases the court I would like to present XZibit xB

The software company that banned me for no reason

I love to play with words/names so don’t be mad OK...