
Kansas maybe?

Olympic Ping Pong? Hmm... how about some more categories

As far as the Sony VR goes, call me in 10 years when version 4 is on sale and there are over a dozen games that “I” want to play because way too many people have promised awesomeness only to kill it with fire... I’m looking at you MS

As far as the Sony VR goes, call me in 10 years when version 4 is on sale and there are over a dozen games that “I”

Hmm... Earlier I was going to make a joke about the title “Watch The Grand Tour’s Hosts Talk About All The Times They Nearly Died Failed to Kill Themselves During Season 2" but I’ve never seen the show.

Another puzzling effect linked to salty ponds is severe bloating and inflammation.

I had an ‘84? and I do seem to remember fixing it somewhat often but I still loved the form factor. I don’t know about reliability but a KIA Soul would be cool due to the slightly larger but still being just the right size

Hard to find though but I would *almost* trade my left testicle

I don’t poop...

If I may make a suggestion... now I understand weight may be an issue but

Shield the Breasts... ?

I suppose it would depend on what kind of onesie...

My ass hurts just watching that

Bastard... you beat me to it

It has a 6.2 L heating element

I’ve been there several times and it’s just a really big city kind of like when McDonald’s used to Super Size your fries

At the end of the 2nd video it looks like the car itself had a brown pants moment... it was just the parachute but still funny

I’m having homemade Taco Bell Enchiritos... any side suggestions?

You forgot the most important question...

OMG, I live in a city with buses only and just the idea of 20 seconds...

If it were me I wouldn’t even bother to cover up the fact that they’re store bought. I’d lay the fucking plastic bag of rolls on the table and say