
That’s FAQ’n crazy

Hah... my favourite joke:

Please tell me we’re getting armor plated James Bond style F1 race cars?

I thought Botulism made your skin look younger?

True... but I was making a “spare tire” joke

If he had done it Chicago Style the plate would have been authentic

Step 2. Tell everyone you are previously engaged and then stay home and get drunk

Whoever leaked it to the press must have dug through a bunch of dirt to get to the core of the issue... I’m betting it was Liza.

Justin Bieber?

And I say also unto you, That this is the Popeborghini Holycan with the 5.2L Vatican10 in RWD, and with your lead foot you will floor this Sum Bitch; and the cars of Hades shall not overpower it.

Speaking from experience I would like to say that the Case the tool goes in is more important than you think. You need to be able to just chuck it in the case and you also need room for extra stuff. There are quite a few cases (for various tools) that simply are not big enough making life suck harder than it needs too

Speaking from experience I would like to say that the Case the tool goes in is more important than you think. You

Serious Question: Could you swap the engine for something a little more Cars & Coffee

David... I’m sorry but this is what happens when you eat too many donuts

Seriously, you need to hook this up to a computer race car game so the engine revs when you hit the throttle in the game!

Can-Am... not a car but still really cool

Hmm... I was hoping for the Beige Corolla vs Woody Grand Wagoneer

Hell Yeah, Urban trees, growin’ up in the ‘hood are hard to the core so you best not be throwin’ shade

Can’t you block the damned things or maybe just unsubscribe and/or don’t read them?

Now playing

Glory-Ass (super sweet guitar solo) blah, blah, blah, Glory-Ass...

I want $20 Million