
Future Audi’s will have “Automatic Re-Gifting Avoidance Technology”

I’m going to give this idea a 110% CP loss

That is very strange, didn’t notice that and I’m usually the only one

Yeah, to say the least... you can buy the stuff necessary to make redneck thermite straight off Amazon

Yeah, CRH should be taken with a grain of salt or two

I understand the point of the article was “how to make fire without fire making tools” but PP is still really weird and interesting. 

Everything in America is about winning to the point where it’s almost inbred

Hmm... I’ve always wondered what a $9999.97 picture frame looked like

Would that effect the batteries ability to stay charged? Because that is my other issue... eventually the battery simply will not start the car despite having at least 96%.

Fricken’ butts with fricken’ lazers

Wait... what were we talking about?

Actually copper is worth quite a pretty penny... we should recycle the damn thing! These days it’s meaningless anyways if y’know what I mean

I’m Gellin’ like Magellan... If I were able to travel to Germany I would go pretty much anywhere but Berlin (I’m not saying Berlin isn’t worth checking out) but there is so much else to see (like the Magdeburg Water Bridge)

Needs a Dollar Bill for size comparison... especially on that turbo

I had a similar issue with a Mazda MX-3 GS (total shutdown of power assist with engine dying while driving) and someone on Jalopnik told me it was possibly the distributor... I’ll never know because I never drove that FUCKER ever ever ever ever ever again

For anyone interested but too lazy to gew-gul it... Wikipedia page

Perfect solution... sell it before it hits the ground

Is it too late to put myself up for adoption?

Worlds most appropriately timed article