
If more than 2 windows get broken is the vehicle considered totaled? They look to be mildly expensive

That sucks... I somehow thought that was an option/maybe on the original?

Then buy one of those Porsche Station Wagons...

Sweaty panty hose might actually be appropriate for certain cheeses like Limburger

before he parted it out

Why the fudge does the Civic always get to be cool...

Can Zelda do this?

Can Zelda do this?

A #5 box of pork feather bones hasn’t been mentioned yet... that would work for sure and would taste better than hawt dawgz

Hot Dog Lasagna?

KIRK SHOT FIRST would have been my choice

Battlestar Galaga... is that the one where Captain Kirk shot first?

Battlestar Galaga... is that the one where Captain Kirk shot first?

Battlestar Galaga... is that the one where Captain Kirk shot first?

Battlestar Galaga... is that the one where Captain Kirk shot first?

When I was younger I worked in a cafe that specialized in baked goods like caramel apple pie, turtle fudge cake, every kind of cheese cake and every other thing you could ever desire. “Sometimes” a piece(s) would “get broken” and it can only be properly described as a zombie feeding frenzy

Sounds awesome but I’ll only buy it if it can roll coal...

Sounds like the intro to a techno song that I would like to hear

I want a slicer for when I smoke a brisket or something... normal knives work perfectly but my arm gets tired making tiny slices (lunchmeat style). As far as serrated knives go I consider them to be (potentially) dangerous under the best conditions but that’s my opinion, I’d take a normal chefs knife any day.

I want a slicer for when I smoke a brisket or something... normal knives work perfectly but my arm gets tired making

I don’t have one or any idea on which brand but I would rather have a high quality slicer than an electric knife... Yes I know they are completely different.

I don’t have one or any idea on which brand but I would rather have a high quality slicer than an electric knife...