
No but you can order it from the factory with a dent in the rear fender

Just a thought... I could be wrong

Nope, even better idea... hook this to an engine hoist

I want a candle that smells like a Taco Bell or a Burger King or a nice Italian Pizza Place

I want a candle that smells like a Taco Bell or a Burger King or a nice Italian Pizza Place

I like spoilers... they help me to know if the movie is good or not.

From a food safety point of view please remember to put chicken (or meat in general) on the lowest part to avoid cross contamination/salmonella/etc.

Leather Chuck Taylors @ Dick’s for $29.97 (Black, Grey, Orange)... also available in Tan/Tan and Canvas if you look

Leather Chuck Taylors @ Dick’s for $29.97 (Black, Grey, Orange)... also available in Tan/Tan and Canvas if you look

Like the iPhone X... if the phone is controlled by your face do you make a grumpy face and hold that expression for a few seconds to force restart

I’d love to see a drag race between this thing and a 1st gen Hummer... 0-60 is best described as “Eventually/Maybe/Cross Your Fingers/I Don’t Think So But Miracles Do Happen”

I totally want a blue refrigerator... and the Ford Flex too

The bottom part should be read in your best Mom Voice.

What a bunch of F-ing Bull Shit... I thought you got free shipping on orders over $35000?

Now, scull your hands back and forth, or move your hands, palms down, in a circular motion under the surface of the water. While you do that, use a modified frog kick—not a scissor kick—to help keep your head above water as well.

Start with this...

I seriously don’t understand why you would throw a perfectly good pizza on someones roof?

Or an Accord “HondaCat”?

Once upon a time I became friends with an ex gf and her bf gave her a cute blue tool kit and I called it the “She Can Screw Too” toolkit. Years later she reminded me and I was embarrassed “Wow... did I really say that?” “I’m sorry”. She thought it was funny though. The reason it was funny is because it was a baby blue

Once upon a time I became friends with an ex gf and her bf gave her a cute blue tool kit and I called it the “She