
Dear Mormon women,

Elizabeth Smart has actually talked about how the “sexual education” taught in the church made her feel worthless and not worth rescuing during her abduction.

You shouldn’t. Their little bit about how this isn’t representative of the church or its leaders is completely false. When I wrote Henry B. Eyring about how one of my local leaders advised my husband to rape me, and Eyring responded (by telling my stake president to advise me to “just go to the temple more,”), a month

One of my girlfriends was raised in the church and got into an abusive relationship in high school. She tried and failed several times to get out of the relationship and eventually worked up the courage to ask her parents for help. Upon learning she had had sex with her boyfriend - and knowing he was abusive - her

Victim blaming is 101% part of “the ideals” the Church follows.

I don’t believe anything they say.

Wow, a Republican who recognizes a GOP caused waste of taxpayer dollars? How long until she’s kicked out of the party?

She didn’t veto it because she thought it was a bad bill. She vetoed it because it pissed people off - even a lot of prolifers. The state is in a 1.6 billion dollar hole and they are wasting time with stupid shit.

You’re reading way less cynically in to this than me. You hear “save taxpayer dollars.” I hear “try again and do better this time so it maybe CAN withstand a legal challenge.”

They don’t have to be... But I think that only host cities that have succesfully* hosted before should be in the running. Spend that money on strengthening the standing infrastructure rather than expecting it to prop up a corrupt government. Anyone who wants to enter in the running going forward has to begin the

This is ridiculous. Small local triathlons are required to prove the safety of the water before races and will cancel the race or the swim portion if the water isn’t safe. But, hey, let’s skip that step for the Olympics, no big whoop.

I Googled Alex whatsit and there are zero results for this sanctuary that don’t include this Instagram comment. So, he doesn’t run a sanctuary, but he does have a bunch of lions and tigers. Seems legit!

OMG. ANIMALS ARE NOT PROPS OR ACCESSORIES. JUST FUCKING STOP. It’s not a show of opulence or success to throw around some terrified animal just because someone equally devoid of ethics facilitates your getting one! I fucking can’t with these spoiled celebrity brats!


There’s a guy who fucks with his socks on.

I’ve said it before, but I don’t think I’ve ever actually met a Christian in my whole life. I’ve met a whole lot of people who claim to be Christian, but I don’t know anyone who has even given the old college try to actually following the things Jesus instructed them to do. None who “gave up everything to follow me,”

And of course the pastor looks EXACTLY as I expected him to look. Chubby cheeked white bread corn fed motherfucker who’ll inevitably be arrested for possession of inconceivably nasty child porn.

A friend of mine told me recently that his uncle told him that he would be explaining “the truth” of homosexuality to his young 4 year old son (truth being that it is an evil and terrible choice that sinful people make) but would be sure to do it in a way that “honors” my friend because, you know, they’re family and

At least the vice principal of the school seems a little more reasonable...