
I agree to a point, but I think there are probably just as many not-tortured geniuses as there are tortured geniuses. For every Robin Williams, there’s a Steve Martin; for every Amy Winehouse, there’s an Adele. It’s not that Steve and Adele live flawless lives, or that they aren’t surrounded by opportunists, but their

I think, often that there’s a blessing in mediocrity. Talent, as possessed by Sinead, Amy Winehouse, Susan Boyle, Robin Williams, Katt Williams, Jim Carrey, William Styron, Jonathan Winters and so may others is a burden, driving them to expose themselves, be vulnerable to opportunists and emotional/financial vampires

Jesus Christ this is a condescending post. Sinead O’Conner has had 20 years of professional help. For many people mental illness is a life sentence. So your assertion that “it works” is both a lie and a slap in the face to people who aren’t going to ever permanently recover.

No, it makes sense if she’s 25 turning 26. The school year in Australia runs from Feb-Nov, and the age cut off for the year is around June, so it’s likely that she is just on the younger end of her school year group. I’m the year above (class of 2006), and I’m turning 28 in August, while a friend from the same year is

It isn’t something like teaching them context. It is about giving them reasons to go outside instead of inside.

“Skewed too female.”

Hey, Bishop McDevitt H.S.:

She’s going to cherish her memory of being on the show and high school will fade away for her like it does for everyone else.

What a bunch of thugs. When will the white community address the culture of violence prevalent in their community?

He must have been so pissed that we don’t have a go-to slur for Korean people.

When I saw the headline I wondered how clueless you’d have to be to think this wouldn’t be a problem. But when I read that the design was shot down by the university (and how fucking out of control do people have to be at this point that the university has an approval process for tshirts) and they still made it, I

The first clue, to anyone with half a brain, would have been the school saying “NO” to the dumb ass t-shirt.


He always has struck me as being a bunch of squirrels in a trenchcoat. (If you are one person, Roosevelt, hi!)

I was thinking it was:

The second rule of the old Bro Commenter Club is that it’s named the Jezebel Morality Committee.

The first rule of Old Bro Commenter Club is you do not talk about Old Bro Commenter Club.

Or what about, like ... a cake shaped like a tiny, developing brain. “My baby is going to have its own little brain and personality and identity! Isn’t that more interesting and important than what shape its bits are?”

“Alright, Karen, I’ll come ta yer fuckin revelie party or whatever, but yer gonna need ta let me shoot sumthin' with muh rifle."

I had no idea how insane people were about knowing the gender of a fetus until we were in the process of adopting a baby and the birth mother had chosen not to find out whether it was a boy or a girl. I did not think this was a big deal. Apparently, I was wrong. This drove people CRAZY. People who were in absolutely