
This was a compelling episode for a variety of reasons and I'd give this an A- as well, but that's only if you look at this episode in a vacuum and ignore all the missteps and that got us here. Most of the events that got us into this "pickle" for everyone are in the main part, unearned.

Even though they would then know that SOA had sold them (the IRA) down the river? (I love tough guy movie talk.)

Even though they would then know that SOA had sold them (the IRA) down the river? (I love tough guy movie talk.)

That's when it started going south.

That's when it started going south.



Dr. Mike - every defendant has the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses against him. If Otto was not available to testify, then his statements against the club would not be admissible in a court of law. (It would be different if he had testified in some sort of preliminary hearing or some sort of court

Dr. Mike - every defendant has the right to confront and cross-examine witnesses against him. If Otto was not available to testify, then his statements against the club would not be admissible in a court of law. (It would be different if he had testified in some sort of preliminary hearing or some sort of court

Oh, I totally get it that it's consistent with Jax and the others - what I'm saying is that it's a little troublesome when we, the viewers, think it's not only okay, but a good thing. It's part of the interesting dynamic that happens when we watch a show about anti-heroes and are made to feel empathy with them - but

You people scare me sometimes. (insert happy face here). Seriously, beating up a woman like that is okay in what universe?

Excellent review.

Yeah, I just think that Sutter is trying to walk a fine line - trying to make SOA bad guys but also have us feel empathy for them. If he wanted to get into this issue and have us believe that Juice has a valid reason for getting so worked up over this, he should have showed us some outward racism on their part before

intangible, remember that conversation Gemma (half-Jewish) had with Darby on the hospital steps? The Sons were openly disdainful of the Nord's racist/Nazi beliefs.

*snort* - I am not agreeing with myself. That first comment did not show up till just now.

As was the ending to the storyline about the death of Donna at Clay and Tig's hands with Opie's non-reacton - and it sounds like that may get it's due this season as well. Both had such abrupt endings that were counter to what we were led to believe about this club, and to human nature in general. It's a fun show to

I agree completely.

Tig is woefully underused.

I don't know why but your first sentence cracked me up. I agree that it's lame and even that biker guy (Bob I think) who has his blog on the official SOA site says that there shouldn't be any problem for Juice because it's not as if Juice's father was trying to be part of the club.