
Here Link, you can have some rupees if you promise not to tell anybody what just happened.

Let's hope that they bring back the chocolate pudding pie!

Where's Dave Wannstedt?

Now I want puppy Mario and I want him now!!

I think I'm having flashbacks about that horrible Double Dragon 3 game. Shudders.

I always thought that one the crazier things that happened during the NES days was the lag time between when a game was released in Japan and when it was released in America. It was almost a year and a half from when SMB3 was released in Japan and when it was released on America. In fact, America got SMB2 when Japan

No LTE in Hyrule? What kind of backwater hell hole is that?

So if Playbook is gone, it looks like other than Bill Simmons starting Grantland, that the old Page 2 is finally done. I'm sure some writers will go elsewhere, but it will be weird not to have it around.

Rosebud is a fucking sled!!!!

Fap, Fap, Fap.

Well, since Whacking Day was last Friday, he was just getting in the spirit. He will be super pissed when he realizes that Whacking Day was just an excuse to beat the Irish. J.T. O'Sullivan better watch his back.

If you were a superhero, would your name be Captain Fappin'?

He's still better than Marmol.

Yea Wrecking Crew!

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He was also the voice of Golden Tee Golf in the Fore era. "It's in the drink."