
I'm on the third season now and I was surprised by how much I'm loving this show. It's just a bit campy, tongue-in-cheek, and full of sheer joy. I'm dreading getting to the end.

Damn, it looks like I'll have to get an AOL dial-up account now.


I wonder if they will make a movie based on this. I think people will just compare it to Kubrick's original and that would be a tough act to follow.

Now playing

So Air Gear is just a Manga remake of Prayer of the Rollerboys?

Where's Dave Wannstedt?

Excellent, let's see if the release an SDK for it.

This season is probably going to be terrible.

My biggest disappointment from WWDC was no game controller SDK.

Now I want puppy Mario and I want him now!!

Great, this axe will be the first thing I loot from the store when the zombie apocalypse hits!

RIP SBS Settings. It only took Apple four years to finally implement this.

iPuppy! The cutest puppy ever. Starting at $1,999.

I think I'm having flashbacks about that horrible Double Dragon 3 game. Shudders.

I always thought that one the crazier things that happened during the NES days was the lag time between when a game was released in Japan and when it was released in America. It was almost a year and a half from when SMB3 was released in Japan and when it was released on America. In fact, America got SMB2 when Japan

No LTE in Hyrule? What kind of backwater hell hole is that?

Calendar Man! Make him a Hannibal Lecter like figure.

That's not too bad, but I'll wait until they're on clearance for $100 or less.