
You are getting hosed on electricity prices. In Illinois, it’s around 7 cents per kWh.

I feel like we’re going to get Rifftrax and How Did This Get Made episodes from Madame Web in the next month or two. That’s all this movie is going to be good for. 

The most unbelievable part of this is that 20 year olds still think of Jaguars as a status symbol. 

I’m still waiting on pricing for the Buzz. I would be interested at $45k, not $60k.

I bet all these autonomous drivers cheat like they do in Mario Kart! 

It might be worth $200 if it can be hacked and loaded with emulators for systems 20 years and older. 

It would be hilarious if Ringo’s movie was a half hour long. 

It feels like Maisie Williams hasn’t been on Doctor Who in over a decade, but it was only nine years ago! It’s hard to believe that Peter Capaldi’s 12th Doctor premiered 10 years ago. 

Sad. Drugs are so much more prevalent at colleges than they were 20-25 years ago. With fentanyl contamination in so many street drugs, I would never take something that could be contaminated with it. 

Blame (Air) Canada! 

Yeah, I definitely remember seeing this in the past year or so. 

Mach-E’s have markups? I must have seen a dozen of them on the lot of the dealer by me.

I’m guessing that Lisa Frankenstein is going to be on digital rentals by the end of the month.

What else are you going to see, Madame Web?

You can add Tacoma FD on TruTV to this list as it was canceled yesterday. Also, Evil is on Paramount+ and not Starz.

I don’t have high hopes that Halo gets a third season. It’s an expensive show that doesn’t seem to have a huge fanbase. 

I found the data that the article cited:

Thank you. It’s much better now. 

I’m pretty sure that Sebring convertibles only existed to give rental companies a convertible option when people rented a car in Hawaii. 

Bradley, don’t take this the wrong way but the headline is very poorly written. It implies that Texas and Connecticut make up 40% of all fatal drunk driving accidents in America which obviously isn’t true. Something like “In These Two States, Drunk Driving Accounts for Over 40% of Fatal Driving Accidents” is a lot