Nineteen, one-hundred nineteen, 1019, exclusivity doesn’t always confer value.
Nineteen, one-hundred nineteen, 1019, exclusivity doesn’t always confer value.
Does it come with a pair of Aston branded Uggs?
This is not something that upsets me - maybe fanboys want to buy the exact car as in a movie, but please - a CPO DB9 wouldn’t make you feel Bond enough, and an AMG GT wouldn’t make you feel Bruce Wayne enough? Stop it.
GTI CPO. How hard was that?
When will these dumbfucks learn that the internet is forever? That racist Facebook post you took down because your niece came across it? That shit is forever.
Of course not ... there’s money in them thar sequels!
Tom and Ray talked about using frozen concentrated orange juice cans for exhaust repairs. Back when they were made of metal, of course.
Lessee ... fake Nazis on Amazon Prime or real Nazis killing people in a college town a couple days ago. Bring on the High Castle guys!
Somewhere, by hook or by crook, I trust there is a longstanding employee of The Deep State who has ordered a couple thousand orange jumpsuits – and at least one of them in 3XXXLLL or whatever Justice’s size is … I want no repeat of the Bushies getting away scott free. This has to hurt.
So much fun to read this - thanks. And there is no ‘arguably’ about it. The center stack looks much better. And I did not know turbos could have timers.
And his bank/credit union should take a look at forgiving or at least discounting that loan. Just sayin’ ...
As long as you don’t throw them in the dryers at my building - those clothes aren’t going to dry themselves.
I am as liberal as they come ... you won’t get any objection from me. But on I think I won’t put more political stuff up. It just saps all my energy.
This is a rebellion. I rebel.
Born in DC, lived and worked there before heading north. Know a lot of lobbyists - word is that if you made a list of the 5 worst people for a cabinet job, Trump’s pick is on it. And it’s pretty clear the Russians threw this election to him - they would not have bothered hacking if they couldn’t.
Been there - lots of diesels. A fully-lit motorways, a point of pride there.
Oh please - could have gotten 4 minimum - not even trying. Sad!
Italian supercar and BL challenges were the best.
My ex was an ER doc - always impressed with a woman who could plunge a butter knife into my chest and save my life. When there is that outcry: “Is there a doctor in the house?” ... you let that doctor save a life. If that life is lost because someone is a bigot, more’s the pity.