You know, I know some people in Jersey who know some people out there ... just sayin’ .... Remember Tessio?
You know, I know some people in Jersey who know some people out there ... just sayin’ .... Remember Tessio?
Thoughts and prayers people - that’ll stop these shootings!
Fucking idiots. And everyone know that terrorists prefer Toyotas!
Sony, take my money.
Oh yeah, both sides are responsible for this shit. Remember when Planned Parenthood showed up at that W rally with AR-15s? Yeah, both sides.
I like what comedian Dana Gould says on the topic - don’t send her a photo of your dick, send her a photo of something she’s interested in ... send her a photo of you listening.
Proving that the GOP doesn’t have a monopoly on dumb doctors.
Anything that makes Ken Starr’s life more difficult? I’m for it. He conducted a witch hunt with much sound and fury, and ultimately it signified nothing. Fuck. You.
2001 should be behind Strangelove and The Shining (but that’s just me) they should be in the top 10 ... The Shining ranks alongside Citizen Kane, at least for me. And Galaxy Quest is a perfect movie, as is The Inlaws (1979) with Alan Arkin and Peter Falk. Snap out of it.
The Imperial - soften some of the edges and shrink that grille down, and I might be on board.
She should file a bar complaint against this asshole. I think a 6 month suspension should do it.
Well, given his title, I’m guessing he had something to do with the GT.
Please come back!
Bought an ‘87 300D with an aftermarket warranty. Window lifts, sunroof motor and cable - and lots of smaller stuff later, it came within $400 of paying for itself, then the company went out of business.
Exactly wrong - the composition of the federal courts is critical to taming the sociopaths in the GOP. Well, the sociopaths that Reagan, HW, and W appointed are a stumbling block, but with luck the Supremes will put them in their fucking place.
Quelle surprise - a W appointee! Some of the dumbest people on the bench.
Fox ‘News’ will do that to you ...
Answer? Not at all: Coronet, Aspen, Buick Regal, Olds Cutlass Ciera, Malibu. Not an interesting car among them.
Fred Malek was there - Nixon’s Jew counter. And thanks HW - thanks for Clarence Thomas. How many people have his decisions killed, or how many lives has he made more miserable ... time will tell. Your body count, and your son’s, shame us all.