So you're fine with her using the N word, on several occasions? Money trumps racism? Good to know.
I’m not a fan of her racist, homophobic comments. Also, her condescending attitude on her 1st reality show. Don’t give a rat’s ass about her. She’s famous for having money (and being spoiled!) that she did not earn.
Oh but you know Nicole is black not black, black, ummmm a good black ya know?
Her racism and homophobia just haven't endured her to me.
The interests being weighed here are those of the mother and the fetus, because they are the two parties involved in the "transaction" that is pregnancy. What you are seriously suggesting here, over and over, is that your feelings on the matter should be the deciding factor in determining whose interests matter most.…
Why do I get the feeling that if men COULD carry babies, people like you wouldn't wax lyrical about the evils of abortion.
If you don't want a woman to exercise her legitimate right to end a pregnancy against your will, get a vasectomy. Simple as. Oh and while you are here go out in the street and demonstrate for male pill, I think women are sick and tired to bear the whole responsibility and risk to the health of contraception. If…
"where it develops is irrelevant."
considering that that 'right' would include a woman losing her rights to control what happens to her own fucking body for 9 months, you can eat shit and die.
for some stupid reason, biology made it so that only women can get pregnant and have baybees. i wish men could get pregnant. but they can't. and we got stuck being the baby incubators, so it's only fair that we also get the last word about whether or not a pregnancy is carried to term. it's about balance.
He's welcome to have his thoughts, feelings, hopes and dreams, but he can't have power over a woman's body.
Where it develops is irrelevant? You mean WHO it develops in? You genuinely believe that a living human being is irrelevant?
If you are a man that wants a baby you should find a woman that also wants one and have a baby with her. A father gets rights when he has a baby. A fetus is not a baby, so yeah, no rights for you.
Where it develops is irrelevant? HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ok, you take it and let it grow in a shoe box then.
Well, if you (or any other man) want to father a baby, you find a woman who ALSO wants to have a baby.
You believe that women are mindless broodmares. Happily, you're not in charge.
You had a say when you decided to not cover your dick. Deal with it. When you fuck a woman with no protection you are telling her you are fine with whatever her choice is from here on out. You don't like that? WEAR A CONDOM!
You're an idiotic troll for believing stupid shit. Go study biology. Until then, fuck off back to daycare.
I feel like this is PROOF that the tweezer people need to invent better tweezers. I have something in my chin right now that cannot be grasped. Worst.