Innocent little girls shouldn’t have to deal with being exposed to a penis in the often communal bathrooms in a shelter. A trans person’s right to identify ends where little girls’ rights not deal with that shit begins.
Innocent little girls shouldn’t have to deal with being exposed to a penis in the often communal bathrooms in a shelter. A trans person’s right to identify ends where little girls’ rights not deal with that shit begins.
Who is killing black trans women? Men are killing trans women. Those same men are killing women because of our sex. Yet, you all are targeting women. Have you read the comments in this post? Ask yourself why people are targeting “Terfs” with gun threats and not the actual murderers.
TERF this TERF that TERF everywhere. Is that all you’ve got? Obviously blogdiz was not birthed out of your ass so you don’t get to bully them or anyone else with an opposing view into silence. It’s cool if y’all don’t agree but I’m quite sure if blogdiz called you a lgbt slur you’d be big mad. Everyone has a right to…
I agree with you, sis. Jezebel and its commentors have long demonstrated that they do not give a damn about women, especially poor women. I’m also a black women that is SICK of trans rights activist comparing black women to trans women (the “if black women are women, trans women are women” bullshit that always comes…
I do agree with this. I think your point about their lobby creating safe spaces is the way to go. Safe and clean spaces for transgender to be safely cared for.
I will be skipping this for several reasons, but question. Sade, Shelia E, Jennifer Beals, and almost every other biracial black person in the 80s wasn’t enough? Is y’all high?
Yes I hope so. It does worry me though. I went to a meeting about trans children (all secondary schools in my area have a few trans kids now so this is being discussed more). The video they showed was lots of narratives of trans kids. Kai Shappley was one of them who is quite well known I think. All the stories were…
It depends what you mean by transition. Where I live schools are advised they should affirm the gender of any child who says they are trans, use their new name/pronoun, allow them to use changing room etc of their choice. So social transition at school (ie most of their waking life) can happen straight away without…
Even if it were truth that medication makes tw lose the advantages against women, ( which it isnt) , many tw right now are claiming that being “forced” to take medicine and testosterone test to be able to compete is discriminatory. Theywant to be able to compite just by claiming they are women.If their demands are…
You should. Many girls , especially if they are lesbians and /or butch, are pressured into becoming trans or else . I know one who transitioned at 14 and at 18 detrantitioned but her body is permanently modified , the t she took also caused her a heart condition . But she can not talk about that because she is called…
Jezebel is more than 50% men. It is a men’s version of a women’s site. ie have more sex, violent sex is empowering, love porn, be a hooker, we are all victims gah! etc.
What you linked to has absolutely nothing to do with sport.
It seems like you really do GAF.
Could you please refer me to a point in human history in which “people with penises” were giving birth? The planet you live on sounds fascinating.
No, those are reasonable people who understand the implications of allowing people who are biologically men to compete with women.
I worry about my daughter, who adults a generation ago would simply consider a “tomboy,” and how she hears / interprets the messages she’s bombarded with today that might negatively affect her perception of herself and gender. At her age she could be easily manipulated, preyed up or confused by those with agenda’s…
We need to evolve, but we also need to listen to why people are having hesitations and why these people from all different directions and parts of life are seemingly, confusingly to some, finding some common ground and really understand them. I do see myself identifying with SOME ideas that seem to get me labeled…
I’m sorry, I was trying to engage in discussion, but apparently that isn’t possible.
“Trans women are a type of woman, just as women of color, disabled women and Christian women are types of women. Just as you would be bigoted to deny these women their womanhood, so would you be to deny trans women of theirs.”