
Kinda agree. It’s difficult because they are still black men and women. However, if british actors are being selected over American actors because they are perceived to a be the more sophisticated negro by the powers that be then it’s a genuine problem.

Dear Fake Conservative news media,

Speaking for white people specifically, we preemptively refuse Dr. Carson in the next racial draft.

I know with absolute certainty the following:

She was obviously very busy tweeting Frederick Douglass to ask him why he didn’t show up to this important meeting of black educators. He’s doing such fine work, he would have been an asset to the group.

Do you even hop hop? There are no high horses here. Sorry, that rational is applicable to plenty of situations, but ignoring the track or playing coy would be absolutely, categorically absurd in a rap battle. When you’re a rapper, and another rapper with juice in your city and/or with a national platform calls you

Remy is basically saying: You can pretend to be hard with those bony white girls, but that shit will not work with me.

I believe she only said that because Sage Steele is a god damn opportunist; she only said “we, as African Americans” because it was an opportune time for her to identify as such. Otherwise, the bitch runs as far away from that label as she possibly can.

“Sooooooo I can sort of see her point, at least on this one issue. Because I’ve seen that happen with my own personal experience.”

I’m all for ppl sharing their own experiences and having there own opinions ( even though they are problematic, and dubious and may be the effects of your own behavior) .

It must pain her every day having to look in the mirror and see black skin. Here she is trying to live her best white life and fuck if she doesn’t have to be reminded of her black daddy. And so unrequested and unprompted she delivers her screeds of blacks being un-American and the true racists.

For me, I see her identification as a white woman in her actions.

i don’t know how I feel about the phrase “super confused” being used here... it would be nice to believe that she rarely experienced or witnessed anti-black racism or felt isolated because she is biracial and raised in all white settings ...but thats not reality as the only biracial or black person in an all white or

Why is a woman who doesn’t even identify as black being asked anything about the black community?! People who don’t understand the difference between racism, prejudice, and backlash for their own ignorance shouldn’t be allowed on public platforms.

“You Don’t Need to be White to be White Trash”

Oh, shit. It’s almost like Smith forgot that he plays on the same team as Trump

This headline got me really anxious, I thought that charges had been dismissed and then the judge said that didn’t happen...
Could it be changed to “Judge denies motion to dismiss charges [...]”?

Not to be outdone, Trump tweeted this image with the caption ‘I’ve never been with a woman as old as you. That proves how much I don’t hate having you around.’