
I agree with you, frankly. I have a white partner, but I’d like Hollywood to do more films about functional black couples (like my parents & other married couples throughout my family). At this point, whites are depicted as having functional, normal families, while black folks get shit like Precious. I know a large

Unpopular opinion that I’m more than willing to take my lashes for, but how many films do we really need to see about miscegenation being illegal in the past? I mean, we get it, damn. I think there are much more important stories to be told about black people.

“Is that really being lost, here?”

Even if she was an asshole ( I am not saying she was) it does not excuse his behavior. He was more than an asshole. He was an arrogant, sexist asshole. When we as a society think its okay for a man to call a woman a bitch in front of an audience (he has the microphone of course) we have failed. The attitude that

Rather than give benefit of the doubt based on their supposed relationships (coworkers, friendships, marriages, etc), suspected white supremacists should be judged solely on their actions. Your actions demonstrate a concerted effort to lie to justify mistreatment of an African American woman. White supremacists

You know the actual “Steve Harvey” made a similar joke about how no one wants Asian men, and the Asians and pretty much everyone else dragged the dude till he apologized. Funny how negroes always have to have thicker skin than everyone else who gets “offended” by everything the sad part is Black folks usually help

*Gestures to the woman* “Hey, I found the person who’s been parking in front of my house!” *Everyone laughs, he moves on with the set*

Because its funny to demean women and even funnier to demean women of color and even funnier to demean Black women.

The whole “acting white” thing is stupid and once again puts Black children in a special corner when they are acting like ALL children regardless of race.

Again, this isn’t about what your read or what you listen to or excellence. It’s about a certain personality and mannerism. You know it when you see it and when you smell it. Later on they go on to chopping up their noses, bleaching their skins only dating white folks and that kind of bullshit.

Manushka, there are indeed black people who act white.. those who have low self esteem and have internalized white supremacy.

‘Are you trying to be white, Bolu?!’

We’re not allowed to blame white people today for slavery enacted by white people from 200 years ago, but we are required to thank them for slavery ended by white people 200 years ago.

It really is insane logic. It’s the equivalent of kicking someone in the balls repeatedly, and then when you stop kicking, getting angry that the person whose balls you were just kicking doesn’t thank you for stopping.

Have the prisoners of the Japanese American internment camps thanked us yet for eventually letting

I apologize for my fellow white people. They’re stupid and embarassing (and often racist).

White people ended slavery like Trump ended the birther controversy - by ceasing to perpetuate it.

You can stop considering.

Oh look, another day in which we get to consider whether our leaders are actually evil or merely incompetent. How unexpected.

Now on the whole, I’m not here for Wesley due to his past comments about black women BUT I do get a chuckle out of his twitter clapbacks. This is some funny stuff.

This is why I looked askance at every black person who was shown at his rallies, who were interviewed on television, who posted YouTube videos, who visited him at Trump Tower. His entire life, he’s paid little but lip service to black people and there was no reason to think he was going to change. I mean for fuck