I haven’t asked for anything. It is you who seems to be expecting me to open my mind to the mindset of racist fucker and I don’t play that game. I am not at all interested in playing this game where I pretend to give a fuck about the mindset of someone who either shares an ideology that is an anathema to my very…
That guy is the root’s own Locomotive Jones. Just ignore his ass. Dismiss when you can.
What’s worse about this story is not-used-to-shit Americans who think that’s a lot of money, without respect to context. 450 is couch cushion change for a good number of people in the US, depending upon their personal circumstances, & this guy might be one of them. So, he throws this bullshit amount at her, so he can…
Her bulb is dim. She should’ve taken the money & stfu. Announcing a big tip is also a word to the IRS. The strippers sucking hundreds off my coworkers by the stack (& getting car notes & rent paid) sure as hell aren’t announcing that shit in public. The fact that she came out with this lets you know she doesn’t think…
You came at me by condescending to me and now you want my critique? Seriously? Fine.
Who the fuck are you and how do you do you know she’s unhappy? And even if she is, you’re the one talking about positive vibes, love and understanding and yet your comment lacks any of those characteristics. It’s almost like you’re just looking for a chance to bring someone down because you’re miserable. Try…
Hi Rainey dont mind me. Im in this thead looking for all the fools who tried it with me this morning saying this wasnt about race. I dont see them yet oddly enough they keep commenting to me in the earlier post.
Excuse you, you don’t get to come at me with empty-headed meaningless condescending platitudes. This is serious stuff and your hotep bullshit is not fucking helping. You have no solutions, you don’t even know what the questions are. You’re easily mollified by empty platitudes as though that’s supposed to help the…
I’m impressed. Literally ever sentence in your reply is complete nonsense. That’s quite the achievement.
You think I didn’t fucking see Clinton’s flaws for my damn self? I didn’t need to see Colin Powell’s e-mails to see the woman was ambitious to a fault I live in New York I saw exactly how she operated and that’s why I didn’t vote for her in the primaries. That said being a New Yorker I also know exactly what kind of…
If this mofo was really interested in being better Americans why the fuck would he vote for an openly racist, openly sexist, anti LGBTQ, orange menace? Did he not see what happened to PoC at Orange Foolius rallies? Does he think it’s some kind of coincidence that these bigoted fucks targeted Poc for violence at these…
So gender and race are open to self determination? Anything else? I’m honestly curious.
All of this. If Melania Trump comes out and says Donald is abusive to her - be it tomorrow, or in 10 years time when he’s finally dead and whatever NDA she presumably signed when she married him has lapsed, then I will believe her in a heartbeat. But I find it disturbing - but dully unsurprising - that so many people…
I would say that a big difference between what I’ve seen of the Trumps and the Clintons is that the Clintons have a shared agenda. They both bring things to the table to further an agenda which they both clearly want. It would seem like Melania is getting more than she signed up for with the political life. Also, the…
THIS is why ‘they’ hate Obama.
Yes, thank you. Expressing nostalgia for a piece of shit like George Bush, is like wishing for that time Vader stopped by & telepathically choked your parents to death, because now the Emperor is on your doorstep. Well, there will still be death- he’s just going to cackle out loud while he’s lighting your ass up.…
Of course it’s Tiffany’s box.