he considers himself a friend of the president-elect
he considers himself a friend of the president-elect
All your cooning Kanye, and they still don’t see you as “traditionally American.”
I am not a fan of Mr Hughley, but I respect that he laid it out straight and clear in this case.
That’s been a huge theme this election cycle. “If you criticize people for being sexist and racist, they’re going to keep being sexist and racist, but now it will be all your fault!”
I hate this line of thinking- if we follow it through, it assumes that conservatives will stop being so racist, sexist, and xenophobic if the big bad liberals would just be nice to them! No. Racism is not caused by calling it out, sexism is not solved by silence, and xenophobia can’t be cured with kindness.
And now, presenting the 45th President of the United States, Hillary Clinton!!!!
White men want to be oppressed SO BADLY, yet the minute they see the slightest hint of a path towards equality for all they freak out and put people like Donald Trump and his minions in the White House.
White Man Upset That He Was Described As White Later Describes Child He Bought A Present For As Black
Race. Race. race in this country is weighted. I’m white so I can’t really speak, but it’s deep, it’s pervasive, it’s ineffable, it’s insidious, it’s blatant, it’s covert, it’s excused, it’s exerted, it’s violent, it’s subtle, it’s mean, it’s condescending, it’s concealed, it’s legitimized.
Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.
Did he include a bit about trying to date a, you know, actual black girl?
These aren’t analogous situations, though. The Trumps are public servants now, and they both knew that if he won, moving into the White House—just like literally every other presidential family in history—was part of the deal. Choosing not to do so, when they KNEW that was the expectation, has a very strong “we’re…
Press releases aren’t reports honey. What do you want? Her to come out and say “I can’t be bothered with this shit” to a reporter? You can buy the spin if you want but those of us with common sense won’t. And letting Sasha finish high school isnt even an accurate comparison. Michelle has already done her duties. What…
I get your point and long term agree with you. Not everyone working at the law firms that protect Trump against all of his suits support him. Not all the people who work in the medical practice with his doctors like him. Barron’s teachers probably loathe him. It’s your job so you do what you have to do.
As a person of color, I have to humbly ask that all my fellow liberals (who happen not to be POC) to remember this child who will get no justice, the next time they let “#alllivesmatter”leave their mouths or keyboards...
Because of this, he still had access to a contact list through a private Facebook group consisting of freshmen. Authorities believe the student, whose name hasn’t been released, used the freshmen list to compile the racist GroupMe chat.
there is a difference between liking what you like and shitting on black women to talk about the superiority of white women
“Up next to defend Nate Parker: Woody Allen and Roman Polanski! We’ll be right back on this edition of, You’re Not Helping”
And for contrast, white victims of Islamic terrorism are NEVER asked if they forgive the terrorist.
I get really tired of people making the south the whipping boy for racism when this entire country is racist as hell. Yes even you, California.