
It’s going to be kind of awkward when all the black supporting characters die by season 3.

He is such a strange color struck man.

Lee Daniels is not very bright and not very fond of Black women. I mostly ignore his dumb ass.

Juror sure used a lot of words, when “I dont think that black people and cops lives are equal” would suffice. This case was cut and dry. The only reason you dont convict is because you are a racist. the officer bet that he could get at least one, and he did.

God fucking dammit. Shoot us in the back, on camera, with evidence of an attempt at a lie about what was happening when the shooting took place. It’s open season, apparently. Cops have that right now. It’s established. Fuck.

Black baby + died after it was born = nothing to see here, folks.

Ah, here is a perfect example of how white supremacy can be upheld by people who aren’t even white. There always has to be a handful of POC who are more racist against people who look just like them than are actual white people, and will treat non-whites as brutally, heartlessly, and violently as possible. They are

If I applaud this for infinity I would.

I think a lot of Americans over-corrected in revising their opinion of Castro after finding out about Batista. A lot of people, like me, were raised under the belief that Cuba was some democratic paradise with great US relations until Castro came and fucked everything up. I think that’s especially infuriating to a

This week

I really dislike people talking about misogyny and racism as opposing, even competing forces. Even if it wasn’t overly simplistic, it implies that misogyny and racism are two discrete, non intersecting forces of oppression, and that misogyny therefore only happens to white women. Women of color (like Holtzclaw’s

I have been done with MIA. She is fucking RAPPING. Doing HIP FUCKING HOP and talking about somebody else fucking stealing??? She has made it beyond clear that she isn’t very fond of Black people unless they are musically useful, so she can fuck all the way off with her ignorant self.

Getting really tired of this argument, that I as a Black person have to be understanding of why white people voted for a racist. I don’t give a fuck why. They did it. Plenty of people who supported Hitler had no particular quarrel with the Jews. I’m sure the Jews didn’t care about those people’s intentions.

What the hell do suicide rates have to do with anything? And who said you, personally, were white?

Regardless of income, whiteness is the most important factor. I really don’t care about the income angle, but I won’t let white people try to lay this at the feet of poor, backwoods white people only. It was white people at every level—rich, poor, educated, uneducated, religious, not religious, women, and men.

The problems of which you speak have been problems in the cities. I don’t know who you’re talking to but there are plenty of people in the cities who are suffering. The difference seems to be that for some reason the discussion about suffering in rural areas are talked about as though the people there are not at fault


I’ve been saying for some time now that I think people don’t give enough credit to the partnership of the Clintons during Bill Clinton’s Presidency. I think Hilary Clinton is a fantastic leader and gifted at governing. I think an awful lot of the Clinton Presidency was actually Hilary Clinton guiding Bill toward

I’m glad she took a stand against Trump, the lone racist/sexist of the Republican party. Have to let them know that this will not be tolerated .

I’ve been looking at all this debate of Beyonce “Is she overrated? Is she too packaged?” and all that shit, and it really got me thinking about why I admire her.