I was told that no matter what the circumstances were, I still assaulted him.”
I was told that no matter what the circumstances were, I still assaulted him.”
What bullshit.
First thing tomorrow I’m changing one of the shelf labels in my hall closet to
It is a weird delusion that republicans claim to be unaware that it was right wing media and republican strategists that dog whistled to their base and riled them up in the first place, thus setting the stage for a Trump like figure to take the mantle and run with it. They opened the pandora’s box and now need to own…
1. I don’t equate Black male sexuality with Black male dick. Black males are OVERLY sexualized in media with the oft used “playa” trope. Black males are practically never shown as having a dry spell, focussed on work or something else meaningful, asexual or celibate. No, they always are fucking someone, about to…
Megan Kelly and the other conservative WW are essentially saying, I am the Plantation Mistress Sir, how dare you. Don’t you treat me like you treat those black girls you rape in the middle of the night. Treat them that way, but you need to understand and respect my station.
Look, Trump was given billions of dollars worth of free advertising by the media during the primaries against other Republican candidates because of his repugnance. He never complained then. Now he complains that the media are focusing too much on him? You live by the sword....
1) Bill Clinton is not running for president
Make America Grope Again.
There are no innocents in slavery. That’s the point. There is another movie that fits this story, Defiance. It’s about Jewish concentration camp survivors fighting Nazis. There is no quarter given for “conflicted Nazis” or people just “swept up” in the Nazi Youth. They are all evil.
Hi! I’m just going to repost what I replied to someone above.
My slightly less baseless theory is that he doesn’t like Tiffany because she’s ugly... It’s pretty clear that, overall, he sees women’s value as strictly aesthetic and his attraction to love for Ivana is ... let’s say “well-documented.” IMO, the only thing that explains his overall (ironic) disinterest in Tiff is…
My money is on Trump himself leaking these. He doesn’t want to be president, he only got in this to get free publicity for his “brand”. He’s self sabotaging.
I don’t mean any disrespect to Tiffany, but I assume Trump loves Ivanka more because she’s prettier.
Seriously. Why does he keep granting interviews? What PR person thinks he has anything to gain by giving this high profile interview where he says he’s not sorry? I know he maintains his innocence while also saying mealy-mouthed things like “our understanding of consent is different now.” But, maybe play a less…
“Here’s the truth: Either Hillary Clinton or her opponent will be elected president this year. And if you vote for someone other than Hillary or if you don’t vote at all, then you are helping to elect Hillary’s opponent.”
Trump really needs to lock down the rich narcissist vote now before the Neiman Marcus Christmas Book comes along and distracts them with Swarovski’s finest crystal-encrusted offerings.