
Betty Shelby is nothing but a low-life thug. Look at her record! She smokes marijuana and has been cited for domestic violence. Was only a matter of time when something like this would happen. Get her off the streets!

Why does this site have to be either Dunham’s #1 cheerleader or her loudest critic? Why do you seem to think it’s unacceptable for the writers at Jezebel to find some of her work interesting and then criticize other parts? Why is it that she’s either completely shitty or utterly brilliant?

Nicole Ritchies and Mariah Careys of the world do not count. They are not black?

Ummm no.

No. She took a speaking role - she asked that it be non-speaking because she felt victims often feel voiceless, you can agree or disagree with that choice; I don’t love it - so that she could discuss rape and how she felt as a survivor. She took it to be a voice for other survivors. She has ALWAYS said this, and that

A visitor from the blackface and a nappy wig, claiming a Black man as her fake father, after suing a Black university for discriminating against her for being white and telling made-up stories about her hardships as a Black woman.

They should recind her invite and fly in these girls:

“His family clearly supports him through his actions, and he was able to negotiate a lower sentence on his own behalf. But me? I never chose any part of this.”

I have noticed that white conservative pundits like to lash out at Beyoncé for increasingly frivolous reasons. Mike Huckabee takes potshots at her almost constantly — perhaps the most famous example is when he said that her husband Jay-Z was pimping her out.

I find it weird when white people are open enough in their racism to hate on Beyoncé. I mean, as far as public figures go, she’s pretty wholesome as well as being obviously talented as all hell, and everyone’s suburban mom loves her music. But, like, even she’s still all terrifyingly BLACK to a fair percentage of the

I hate all this “new definition” of consent crap. Sex without consent has always been rape, it’s just that people are becoming more willing to acknowledge that now.

He shouldn’t get a pass but to act like his race isn’t a factor in the hoopla is naive at best

As a sexual assault survivor and advocate/supporter of literally hundreds more, there is not one tiny part of me that wonders if this should ruin his career. Hundreds. I have heard hundreds of stories of sexual assault and not one—not one—has seen any kind of justice done. So I have absolutely zero sympathy for a

True, and some people are black and women. Simultaneously. Like me. Maybe this wasn’t the intention of your comment, but it’s upsetting to see people suggest he’s being targeted because he’s black. Black people are often under stricter codes of conduct, but I can’t live in a world where people suggest that Parker

The story they wanted to push was one of an accused rapist redeemed. Due to the existence of that transcript, the story is more like, “how the hell did he get off in the first place?”

See, Fox gave Parker all that money and publicity to build him up just so their partners in crime could tear him down. That’s how they do. They did it to Steve McQueen and Coogler and Spike and the female who did Selma.

As a black woman I have to get this off my chest. If I see one more black man say this shit was brought up because of Birth of a Nation I am going to scream! I have known about this for at least 3 or 4 years you didn’t want to know don’t start with the conspiracy theories.

How is Jezebel still writing posts on this story in such ambiguous terms? It seems no other case with such clear evidence (multiple witnesses, him inviting other attackers, intimidating her, not taking responsibility) would get anywhere near this type of reception. I get that we want to be supportive of a