
Clover, I understand “comments are comments and can be from crazy people who make shit up” but way back in January when Birth of a Nation first came out there were some alumni who were there at the time and stated that Nate and his friend stalked and harrassed this poor girl. There may be some people tweeting in

Go fuck yourself. No, really go fuck yourself. Maybe it will make you feel better and less distracted so you can stick to the topic at hand.

Why can’t it be both? I’m sure Penn State treated them worse than they treat white athletes because they’re Black. I’m also sure they raped her. The coverage around this movie will also likely be worse than it would be for the innumerable white rapists with Oscar-worthy movies because they’re Black. I’m still sure

FYI, Parker stalked the victim after, causing her to attempt suicide twice. He knows that what he did was wrong, and wanted her to shut up about it.

I am a black woman, but FUCK NATE PARKER and all rapists like him. He would not expect others to overlook it if a white racist man raped him and then made a wonderful movie about Malcolm X. If he had shown one iota of compassion for this woman — ah fuck it I would still hate his guts.

Was it widely accepted that if you got drunk and went to a guy’s room, where you fell asleep alone in a room while he was in another room, that was consent to not just him penetrating you, but him inviting two of his friends to penetrate you along with him?

I wouldn’t claim to know exactly why particular rape victims report or don’t, but Parker’s victim’s attack was different from the common experiences you mention in a few ways: it involved being penetrated by multiple men at the same time, one of whom was a stranger; she went to bed alone (the men were in another room

I was also in college on the 90's and I agree that we did not have a good understanding of enthusiastic consent. I don’t think it excuses these “date-rape” incidents, but it does complicate them. Still, it’s important to remember that men who had sex with drunk women knew that they were taking advantage of those

Why is there so much couching and hedging but when, say, an actress decides to work with Woody Allen, she is unambiguously criticized?

Our culture is steeped in white supremacy. That means a lot of unconscious bias and viewing Black people differently from white people. So the intention doesn’t matter. Clumsiness doesn’t matter. Stop minimizing something that is common for those of us who don’t have our heads in the sand.

I’ve always felt like The Rock is a secret douche. Like, he’s too smart to let it show in his public persona and confident enough to be self-deprecating when it serves him, but if he actually feels threatened by another ego he’ll start drama. Also, Ballers (which he stars in and produces with Mark Fucking Wahlberg) is

Hot taek: The Rock is an asshole. He’s super handsome and charming, but he’s used to getting his way and doesn’t really like it when people talk back. I feel like he didn’t have to act much to be the cocky, brash jerkstore of a wrestler, and I like him even less as an actor.

Longer than that, Trump is the natural evolution of the Southern Strategy.

People who reject the feminist label to be a ‘humanist’, and people who believe in All Lives Matter over Black Lives Matter are examples of people who stand in the way of social progress. They’re obstacles to a better, equal society. They help to validate the opinion that disadvantaged groups aren’t actually

He’s reminiscing for a time when gas was cheap, everyone knew their places and stayed there, and a guy like him could say anything he wants with no repercussions at all.

‘I’m not sure he’s being racist so much as he’s saying that people should stop making such a big deal out of things.’

20 seconds of Googling would show you that Dina Ruiz’s biological father was of African-American ancestry.

it’s always interesting when the black/poc friend,lover,etc is brought up to contest a white person’s racist ideology. men who hate women have sex ,befriend,and marry women all the time. certainly,donald trump’s misogyny isn’t negated by his wife’s gender...

Racists dont consider themselves ‘racist’ because that implies they are wrong. They think of themselves as un-PC truth-tellers who are just pointing out the “reality” that most people of a certain race have certain negative attributes that theirs does not.