
There’s no perfect victim, so holding outrage until then is a really bad strategy. Also, every death by police should be scrutinized and understood. Understanding what really constitutes as reasonable force is important to the integrity and relationship of police to the citizens they’re supposed to protect. Citizens

Police officers are put under less risk day-to-day than truckers, fishermen, pilots and aerospace engineers, loggers, steel workers, and pretty much every kind of construction worker... So no, their risk is not extraordinary. It’s perfectly ordinary in the grand scheme of things, and they generally get better pay and

Well said. We don’t have the time to put forth only perfect victims with clear cut cases. Being a sympathetic victim is racist in itself. Black Americans have to be qualified even in death.

That is not indicative of a poor moral character, but a mental health issue. A Black woman with paranoid tendencies could easily, easily feel at war in our culture. She should have been arrested and offered help. Not killed.

There is a problem in that even if this was a by the book shooting and she was waving a gun around there is not enough trust between the two communities for people to be a peace with it.

If we’re going to admit that police officers (and people generally) find black individuals more threatening and are therefore more likely to use lethal force against them, part of fighting that problem is to tally all the black lives taken. Not just the ones with the most value for activism.

i think if he orchestrates the ‘failure’ or can blame it on being attacked or the game being rigged. he has little to no interest in any additional responsibility, and potentially not even power- just the image of power and attention. he’s got tons of supporters and he has little to no desire for the support of his

this. ,i think he wants to lose at this point so he can have run and keep up the scandalous narrative that the election is rigged against him. he’ll be able to write books, make appearances, get more money and more attention with no governmental responsibility.

Unless their hiring standards change as well, zero of those applications are going to be accepted, if they display too much intelligence or empathy. Let’s not forget the guy from Connecticut who was rejected by the CPD because he was “too intelligent” and therefore deemed unacceptable because he may eventually

I wish I could take my first reply back because I know it’s going to be misunderstood. Let me try to explain better and have patience - English is not my first language.

That doesn’t matter. Per the crazy people on this forum Beyonce was robbed and Kanye was justified in his behavior. Black women are being marginalized because Beyonce didn’t win that award. They are of the opinion that Kanye was standing up for black women,this man could give a rats ass about black women.

So because all of us are capable of evil, does that mean that people who actually act on it shouldn’t have to face the consequences? Maybe we’re all capable of cold blooded murder, but most of us never actually carry it out. Which is why we’re not in prison.

I think our justice system is more a bastard mix of rehabilitation (ideally), deterrence, and retribution (unfortunately . . . but most of the people on death row aren’t still ordering the assassination of police from behind bars).

Tilda Swinton unavailable for the gig?

If I fail to follow the updated SOP at my job and someone dies as a result, I’m still held accountable. Under tort law, the charge can range from culpable ignorance to professional negligence (which can become malpractice). I find it mind-blowing that my job in healthcare, where my living is based on helping those in

Poor Freddie Gray. Killed by ghosts apparently.

No, you don’t.

This might be screaming into the void, but can we please avoid leaping to wild conclusions before we have all of the answers? This was obviously a terrible event, but it won’t be made any better by wild speculation and finger-pointing. Let’s get the facts before we start calling for action against groups or people who

My response was about how Black Lives matter in the global arena. I am 100% against the conflation of all lives & black lives rhetoric, so I am doubtful that my remark offered anything akin to #alllivesmatter.