Oh Gella, this is why I love you so.
Oh Gella, this is why I love you so.
will not be kink shamed by you vanilla flavorless weirdos.
He responded to my comment in a Gawker AMA thread with a rape joke. This does not surprise me.
I am old and don’t understand how it works either. But my understanding is that it is a gender/age/location match. Not much I can change about that.
I asked him if I could take his dog hiking.
I told him I wanted to take Jody Husky hiking. Just messaging you so I can hang out with your dog, buddy.
I matched with RiFF RAFF on Tinder this weekend. When I messaged him, he unmatched me. I am not sad about this.
RANDILYN, YOU ARE A GEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I NEED these for my next party. A very lazy search on the internet turns up nothing, which makes me sad.
You win.
I really loved it in high school. I rewatched it on halloween. It’s a pretty meh movie. Makes sense since I loved it when I was like 13. I’d even say that it’s not as good as Donnie Darko.
I...am unsure of why this comment was directed at me.