
He was just a walking plot device with a neat look and no personality

Alternative Facts.

I would fucking love to have extreme vetting for guns. Please, oh please dear god, make there be extreme vetting for guns. This would make it less likely that crazy fucking assholes would get their hands on guns, and then go commit crimes with them. When they do that it makes all gun owners look bad.

What’s the point of this story?

“Lobot, just send the kid one of those war souvenirs I salvaged from the Battle of Endor! You know, something that looks great over a fireplace...”

ahhh libs vs libs

It seems like Jalopnik has become an echo chamber for political views that ignore both sides of an argument and agree with whatever MSNBC said this morning. I liked it more when it was about cars. I’ll take my clicks elsewhere so someone else can make their fractions of a penny on my viewership.

What Muslim ban? Muslims from Italy, Germany, etc. can still enter the country.

And if your searched monkey about 8 years ago Michelle Obama would show up... it’s not twitter... it’s other assholes calling people names. It proves nothing other than everyone else is an asshole 

Envy. I envy people who have the time and energy for [reasonably safe] fooling around with physics.

Of all the things that can be dumped in a lake, a steel ingot has literally no effect on the ecosystem or water chemistry.

For extra points in General Dodonna’s briefing you see the never shown Death Star main engine that the equatorial trench runs into.

If you expect anything approaching accuracy from this site you’re gonna have a bad time. I’m surprised they couldn’t find a way to inject a Trump joke into this article.

Looks like a dry erase marker, definitely do not try with a Sharpie.

Deadspin is the last place I expected LiveJasmine ads to pop up.

And the editor(s), assuming they even have one here

Twist: Rey dies. Luke was the protagonist of the new trilogy stil after all.

I was expecting boulder consequences.

If Utah had won, they planned on celebrating by passing around a large Starbucks coffee and letting each player have one tiny sip, Prophet be praised.

Now playing

If you haven’t already, I recommend watching Belated Media’s take on What If the Prequels Were Good, over on the Youtube. In the three videos, he details a simple way he would have guided the story of the trilogy, and Owen has a much more pronounced role that actually makes sense.