
Its the way the system works, the system has no become titled. You act as if the boomers specifically decide to fuck over your generation. Its not about you, its how the system works(doesnt)

She made sexist hires and disrespected the men that worked for her. She believes in equality and special treatment for women.

No no, its just basic math that makes the boomers cost so much, theres alot of them.

Can you explain how Trump is responsible for all the hacking in the last few years, also please expel your knowledge of how Trump is responsible for China annexing and militarizing the South China Sea.

I love how all the recent tech billionaires are ignored when people talk about income inequality.

This is what happens when you act like a pussy for 8 years.

Soo its Obama your mad at then. Its his system, set up this way bc he believed the healthy would subsidize the sick.

Im 35 dick. I manned up and handled my business. Try that

Stop whining and do basic math. What do you make a year divided by hours worked.

Idiot millennials complain about the cost of Obamacare, but dont stop to think that the only reason Obama care mathematically works is if healthy millennials sign up for it.

Why do you consistently write articles that revolve around juvenile sex jokes?

I feel like this article was written by a teen for other kids unsure about sexting.

Time to blame white people to get page clicks!!

Still blaming everyone but yourselves....

And your Liberal tech leaders sell you out....But they all talked so tough during the election....

—played by Charlize Theron with extremely questionable white braids, which verge on dreads—

I actually enjoy how less and less sad liberls reply and star the daily anti Trump posts.

Odd that politicians only care if elections are hacked.

Nice try dick, read the whole thread. So cute.

There’s that liberal name calling we all love. I called you weak, you called me a psychopath. That escalated quickly...