This is the first time I every commented but feel compelled to attend the wake.
This is the first time I every commented but feel compelled to attend the wake.
Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness was here.
To the entire staff and all most of the alumni since its inception — thanks, good luck, and I selfishly hope that somehow, someway, many of you can work together again very soon so that I can read one or two websites instead of 30.
On a macro scale obviously everything that has happened has been dumbfoundingly stupid and incomprehensibly senseless. But how any ownership could look at the work you’ve done on this site, Diana, and not do everything in its power to make sure you continued to do that work under their masthead, is egregious professio…
My humble request for the commentariat: please ungray as many of the gray comments as you can. Everyone should be seen today, unless they are Portnoy bootlickers of course.
Diana, I just want to say thank you for all of the amazing work you’ve done over the years. I think that your sports reporting has consistently been some of the best in all of sports writing over the years, and I truly hope that you find a new place to continue the amazing work that you’ve produced.
I had a master plan for today, but it did not go quite as planned. That’s OK. That’s what blogging is about. You…
ALSO, thank you for making McKenna the last EIC of DS. Brilliant. I hope you are writeing a book about the demise of DS and the rise of zombie culture, Diana we need you to do that. xo
It seems only fitting that I get to respond to your post as the last post on Deadspin, since you’ve been my favorite author since forever. Thank you for speaking truth to power, holding those accountable for atrocities that many others call the “cost of doing business” in sports and generally, just being a top-notch…
You’re forever with me, leather.
what is dead can never die.
10 year Deadspin faithful - never made it out of the greys, but I want to say thank you. To all of you. This site has brought me so much joy and laughter through a lot of crummy times in life. Hate that it has to end like this, but the writers, commentariat, and contributors to this site have left their mark on this…
Dumbshits forgot to kill comments on Concourse posts because of course they did. Just wanted to say thank you to everyone who built this place into something pretty awesome over all these years. It’s so sad (and so fucking stupid) that it had to end, but everything ends, I guess.
I can’t bear to think of a world without Deadspin.
Over the past 10 years of my career, I’ve worked some pretty miserable jobs. Sure, I was sitting on my ass in an office, but often for far longer than anyone should and under bosses that seemed almost gleeful at the prospect of grinding decent people into dust. This website was one of the few things that made that…
Bye, Diana. Thank you for your amazing work here over the years, and I’ll follow wherever you end up.
These are great, love this site, love the staff, best of luck to all of them! I look forward to finding their writing on future sites.
Woah, we have comments over here. Let me take advantage of this by stating that Spanfeller should buy a hat, put it on, shove his head up his own ass and then shit in his new hat.