Imma guess the Illuminati cut you off before you could finish
Imma guess the Illuminati cut you off before you could finish
NO to dip bottles. I once had a 6am flight and a guy waiting to board was spitting into a clear pop bottle. I nearly barfed on him.
That WHOOOOSH sound you just heard wasn't Drogon flying overhead.
But he was doing this long before he could be considered a big star, some of this goes back to the 70’s. He was in I-Spy and then The Bill Cosby Show, but neither of those could be said to have made him a big star.
Is that supposed to be Meggs or Winston?
But did you shake the room with the force...of your grief? That’s the real question.
Also, we’re going to want Leonard Nimoy back as well.
I just gasped and said “No!” aloud when I saw the headline, like some bad actress in an even worse movie. It shouldn’t be shocking, but it is :(
Dear Death,
THE ETERNAL STRUGGLE: How to respond when reading about a total shitbag on the internet.
The evil, reptilian part of my brain goes, “Kill him! Tear him apart! Rip out his ribs one by one while he screaaaaaams!”
The good, human part of my brain that my parents raised to be a decent fellow instead says, “This is horrible.…
No. Not if they are provided with exculpatory evidence which proves that the charges are without merit. Now if they also caught this guy for speeding and have evidence of that, they can (and will) proceed with that, but if they only have a report and when they caught this guy he was obeying traffic laws, then they’d…
Have you ever noticed that people who drive slower than you are morons and the people that drive faster than you are reckless idiots?
When I was a child, I was raised by a relative who was a police officer. She was abusive and once I threatened to call the police, and she laughed in my face and said, “They’re already here.” She married 3 cops in the time I lived with her, and not a one of them had any trouble joining in on her fun. I will never…
I understand that you are pissed when your car is towed, but her shitty behaviour about how much better she is than everyone else is really what makes me angry to no end. So many problems that the world has is because people think they are better than others.
This woman is truly ugly.
Who would ever give a tow company a good review?
Nobody is forcing you to read these articles. He is exercising his rights as an American citizen to voice his word loud, proud, and as often as he wants. Just because you're tired of hearing it, doesn't mean the issue should just be swept under the rug. It is still an absolutely relevant issue that we should all be…
"...when does needlessly rehashing what we all already know become treason?"
Widgets are amazing. It's why I'll never own an iOS device. Well, that and Apple's price tags ...and their patent trolling ...and pretty much their entire ethos, but I digress.