
Dear Hauwei,

Sony already tried taking Nintendo on in the handheld domain with more features and more power. It didn’t work.


I have heard this story before.

It’s all well and good to parent like a librarian, but then the kids start complaining about their late fees and yelling about refunds for the 10 cents they lost on a print job that they botched

The Model S was supposed to brake for stopped obstacles..........not break stopped obstacles.

We can’t find the keys to your trade in we were evaluating.

Well of course he’s stuck on the speed bump because his wheels are falling off! (Although not sure how you forgot to tighten the lug nuts on all four wheels)

How long before this Sport Hybrid SH-AWD® power unit, active magnetorheological dampers etc. technology filters down to a TLX so I can buy one used a few years later after that? I know some form of it is in the new RLX but those things are freaking expensive new or used.

Ladies and gentlemen I present to you...

So when did you draw on dick on the drawing pad??

Conservatives: any excuse to talk about an issue that only white people care about is a good excuse. Also, please God, give us any kind of distraction from the fact that now more than half of Trump’s campaign team are felons.

What, autos are fun too...

Type R inspired centered single exhaust at the back.

This may be bigger than we thought. It turns out that there were many early, unsuccessful attempts at this BMW theft scheme worldwide that only succeeded in disabling the turn signals.

+2 heads

The 2.3 MZR motor was just too unreliable. Turbo bearings loved to eat themselves between 60 and 80k...rumor has it the warranty repair costs alone that Mazda had to eat were the single case to pull these and the CX-7 off the market.

This Hemholz effect may possibly be mitigated by the addition of a low pressure disturbance behind the window opening. I suggest a small dent in the passenger side rear bumper. 

“Amazingly affordable”?  Have you priced out a hachi these days?  Takumi tax is very real, man.

Actually the Browns and the Alouettes already have a connection. The current iteration of Alouettes dates to 1996, the original franchise being defunct in 1987.