
perversion e tu bruta

nope shadow, it implies low breeding and lack of culture.
anything else is merely an excuse for lack of manners and indication of belonging to a subculture.

yup, zits much

bait not taken…

not reading that AV club nor a member nor blog of it nor subscriber….. ellipses says I

very odd… pugnaciously indolent even.

not gonna fight over trivialities with some long distance electric signals that will never change themselves.

simply good culture, proper upbringing and clear thought of logic do not require the violence of disgusting low culture , rude vulgarities. Where do you folks get the idea that this is needed and wanted in the world ?

hmmm…. nice try at the insult… not gramps yet.

What's with all the nasty language and low class cuss words ? Can not anyone cobble together a thought without such things these days ? Welcome to the instant gratification society of the lowest common denominator and lack of care for foreign policy.