
while i agree that feeling "unsafe" was a total overreaction to the rugby players' actions, i also disagree that it was the most mature or respectful way to approach her. i just feel like discreetly emailing the feminist organization itself about a possible meeting would have been much more appropriate and would have

It's called email.

I see your point but you missed one thing in your analysis: the song advocates rape; it's not just misogynistic. What if I went to university and sung a song advocating lynching? I would expect to be scary to anyone who's felt threatened by lynching.

Athletic culture is fucking rapey. And misogynistic. And frequently racist. The fact that this song- about raping a dead prostitute- is considered "traditional" should probably tip you off.

I see your point but you missed one thing in your analysis: the song advocates rape; it's not just misogynistic. What if I went to university and sung a song advocating lynching? I would expect to be scary to anyone who's felt threatened by lynching.

No need to do it in the cafeteria. Do it later at the party. Record it, even- post it to social media. So long as you're an athlete in a place that values athletics over people, the administration will cover it up.

Nice try attempting to strip all context from this. Context is fucking key.

Nice gaslighting double-play: invalidate her feelings AND insult her professional/leadership capability. Wow.

Their intention was to intimidate, and you goddamn fucking well know it. We all know these types of guys far too well for your bullshit to actually fly.

So you think the best way for them to approach her was in a group? Hmmm... a group of rapey athletes offering to "talk" with a feminist. Can't imagine why anyone would be suspicious of that....

Rather big wall of text. Read at your own volition.

She is a queen and I hate that she will not be back. I seriously fell in love with her during this show.

Jessica Lange is everything.

I will absolutely will not be watching AHS if Jessica Lange doesnt return. There is no AHS without Jessica Lange. Life has no meaning without Jessica Lange.

I just wanted to point out something you may not know. The mental health community is trying to change the language of 'committed suicide' to 'died by suicide'. The change is to help reduce the stigma that people suffering from severe mental illnesses have 'committed' something shameful and are making 'selfish'

I almost feel silly to admit just how badly this upset me to read. Fuck depression. As bad as mine got at one point, complete with suicidal ideation, I still cannot imagine the hellhole of despair it takes to go through with it.

I haven't been a big fan of hers for a while, but a lot of articles about her nowadays just reek of ageism. Dear millennials - you're not as cool as you think you are!

and she was a great and very necessary cheerleader for the gay community... who were dying by the thousands and stigmatized. People were grief stricken miserable and scared. She was fun, had hit records ruled the club's, put on good shows and had a good set of balls. And to her credit she never proclaimed

God, yes. The ageism and sexism is awesome. But I guess when you're in your twenties and thirties you can't imagine old hags of 56 as being attractive and sexually appealing. I don't hear any of this crap about Prince and he's the same age as Madonna.

I don't like Madonna - I like "Like a Prayer" and that's about it - but I hate how every time anyone talks about her they have to mention how she's (supposedly) desperately clinging to her fading youth. Even this article talks about "Madonna's worn performance of Madonna." (I'm singling that line out because it's in