
I'm sorry, this man obviously has many, many troubles but he abused an animal. It's being played for laughs and shock value but that's what happened and I wish those who report on this story would stop dancing around that fact. This isn't too far from young kids who are physically or sexually abused in the home who

TL;DR version: Why I'm choosing not to watch the Super Bowl for the first time in 34 years.

Sweetheart, did you read the piece? No? Then shut the fuck up.

Fuck off with your misogyny. You want to slam Megyn Kelly? Fine. Don't call people cunts.

Most permanent and semi-permanent birth controls hurt to some degree. I guarantee you vasectomies look like a cake walk compared to a hysterectomy or child birth.

It's already known that PBA does some serous shit to females. They don't give a hot shit.

Meh. Not like we actually need more humans.

I think you're driving at the idea that since we already discriminate against certain types of marriage, discriminating against gay marriage is also okay. Am I wrong?

"The problem is that we, as a nation, have been running this experiment for decades now, and the verdict is clear: Without government assistance — or nudging — most businesses will never feel the obligation to pay for family leave on their own. "

Well at least he does not have your skin to wear as a jacket so that is good right?

It's hilarious because half the time, guys elsewhere (like on Gawker) will tell you to just be polite and have the decency to respond that you aren't interested. Which is great, until you do that and then you're stupid fat ugly bitch who needs to get gang raped for being a dumb ass cunt bitch piss fuck.

Since they were heavy with the Photoshop, couldn't they have Photoshopped away his constipated smolder? No, they couldn't do that. That's his signature. It's not a picture of Justin Bieber unless he looks like someone just walked in on him taking a shit in a public bathroom.

no, Sarah, you don't respect animals. You shoot wolves from helicopters. Killing animals for pleasure (and this includes so you can eat them) is the ultimate in disrespect.

What IS it with little kids and this song? I have a feeling it hits some weird primal reflex. Like the brown note.

Yes, we have certainly "evolved" haven't we in the 21st Century? We have nutjobs like Kim Jung Un who loves his people so much, he puts them in camps and murders them whenever his weak little mind feels threatened. [No religion here]. Then, we have Vladimir Putin, who thinks it grand to want to invade his neighbor.

As if! You know this ends with women in coach and expanded first class for men. Because, you know, men are bigger and have more needs! Charged, of course, the same amount of money.

If Islam were just a religion, it wouldn't be a problem. The Koran dictates not just worship but economics, politics, social norms. It's a hell of a lot more than just a religion, it's an all encompassing mantra.

I have trouble differentiating between the dribble coming from religious fanatics and atheists myself.