Mad isn't the right word.
Mad isn't the right word.
I will fucking pound your doughy face into a feminist symbol, you sack of shit.
Team Cat Headquarters here;
it's the first thing you said - they don't see women as people. their feelings are not the same and are not as valid as men's. their scripture (and a great deal of christian scripture, too), which they see as divine and therefore the highest authority, justifies this so there's no need to question it. in fact doing…
American soldiers sell young women into sex slavery, huh? Is it possible to be critical of one's own country without resorting to ludicrous false equivalences like this?
They kidnap hundreds of prepubescent girls and force them into sham marriages? When did this happen?
A lot of my younger friends are guilty of documenting EVERYTHING. I mean right down to the super mundane omg just bought cream cheese for a super price at the grocery store types. The need for constant validation that causes some to over post is insane to me.
if your friends cannot reach out to you beyond facebook, they are not really friends....
I don't disagree with the privacy objections, but I've avoided Facebook for a much simpler reason: it feels like a very impersonal form of interaction. I tried it for a year, and all I saw were individuals talking to their respective audiences rather than other individuals, which seems like an inherent hazard in a…