
This can both help and hinder productivity in my experience. I like to use this technique a little differently. I will pit the better/easier/simpler part of an important project against the lesser liked/harder/more complex/dirtier part of a 'distraction' project. Today's example:

Good to know, thanks for the education. Such a shame this happened to such a nice piece of equipment.

This is exactly my strategy! To each his own... laptop that is.

iPad for bathroom breaks. Genius!

Says my wife: "TOO many"

I'm curious about your AcerPower 1000 Desktop(s).

It IS spring cleaning time, and in my garage it is really a 'moment of truth'. I use a two stage approach to garage cleaning - commonly used items are in readily accessible areas of the garage, mostly the mid-level shelves and drawers. Seasonal items occupy the lower shelves, and on the top shelf is the 'oh, I forgot

Whitson, I intended my comment to be informative, not critical. Apologies if I missed the mark.

Before I bought a house, I was able to get Cat5e installed in the house I rented, both with the owner's approval and on his dime.

Houses built after around 1998 usually have some Cat5 in them, even if it's only for the phone line. Houses built after, say, 2002 certainly have Cat 5 for the phone line, if not separate jacks wired into most walls.

I would say this is true for pretty much any house built after 1995 or so.

I have had this EXACT question in mind through this Hive Five.


What I love about bar guides of this vintage is they contain D-R-I-N-K-S. Not trends, or lifestyles, or fashion statements, but a honest to goodness COCKTAIL. Like the ones you see on Mad Men. Booze of choice, dash of flavor, ice. Now sit down and drink it.

Sounds to me like this analysis supports the occasional "fresh install" of the OS.

@harei: Ha ha ha! Got me there...

Like most everybody here, reading and writing. Still like analog books/papers/magazines to the digital counterparts. And taking notes with a pen and paper, no matter how good my laptop or high-tech the office.

@sean000: Cheers to the corkscrew mention! How complicated to we need to get to replicate a simple 2nd class lever?

@battra92: LOL! I work in pharma and I don't even get FWD and REs about pills. You have interesting friends/family...

2 Throw away desktop computers from work with gigabit ethernet + 2 1TB drives each + Linux = Back up solution for my home, business, and my friend who hosts the 2nd computer in another state. He even paid for half the drives.