Tex Calhoon

Whaley didn’t write that contract, Overdorf and Brandon did, and yes, they should all be fired.

And Team President, Russ “The common denominator “ Brandon hides in his rat hole in the buildings basement eating cheese and crafting the next Bills slogan that will know doubt sell tickets. In all fairness to Russ, his pale snake skin doesn’t do well in bright lights unless there is some unwarranted platitudes to

Russ “Common Denomintor” Brandon has totally ruined this franchise, he is the greasy snake behind all the disastrous decision the Bills have made in the last 17 years, the fact that he not only survived when the Pegulas bought the team but was named president of the Sabres makes Rasputin look like a small time wussy.

These announcers speak terrible English.

Whatever blame you choose to place on Ryan is fine, but this team has been a middling disaster for 17 years. And who is the one constant....... Russ Brandon, yet he skates from year to year without backlash (local writers have put some bad ink on him lately). From disasterously giving a home game away to Toronto to

Has he been invited to the White House yet?

Thank God for all these white people telling the million plus black people that voted for Trump how _______ they are.

You don’t realize that self-loathing is essential for thumbs ups on this site. If not shame on you.

Nah, we’ll just keep fanning the flames of hate and division, it’s been working great so far. Just start right now demoninzing everything about Trump and the Republicans, to get our revenge. ALWAYS REMEMBER REPUCLICANS= BAD. DEMOCRATICS = GOOD.

Do you care that you’ve alienated every one in my circle who’s not a flaming liberal? I’m the lone holdout..... barely.

Nah, that’s Hill’s Monica Lewinsky impression.

I was there, and was in complete shock that he wasn’t immobilized and taken off on a stretcher.

The correct post is “I’m offended”.

Yeah, much better to be stabbed 21 times and leave it to chance that none of those wounds would be fatal. You convinced me! I’m giving up my gun.

The courage and outstanding bravery it takes Noah to do this fills my heart with pride!!!!

If someone throws a pie in my face in anger, I’m fighting.

And no playoffs.

I read and reread your post 14 times, I can’t find the part that says cops are assholes!!! What’s up?

What level of success does a sportscaster/sports media personality have to achieve before you guys decide he's an asshole?

Who's more stunning, brave and gorgeous, Colin Kaepernick or Caitlyn Jenner?