
It’s not a “short drop with a long drawn out stop” for a reason.

1st Gear: It’s Never The Ones Responsible Who Get Hurt

How much of our GDP do we actually spend on just south Korea? I’m guessing less than 2.6%

“Or a manual Chevy Colorado with four-wheel drive?”

Here’s what i’m reading from the article’s description:

More wges for employee’s means higher costs, means more incentive to automate (less jobs), and the higher wage doesn’t go any further than the McD job you did before.

One thing a lot of people don’t think about: Free trade helps grow the Mexican economy, which provides them resources to fight against things like Drug Cartels. It provides good jobs to Mexican’s. Basically it increases quality of life in Mexico. So, you know, they don’t all want to get the heck out of there. Isn’t

Since we have free trade with Mexico and Canada, and TPP opens up much of the south pacific, how exactly does imposing a tariff on Mexico lower the already zero tariff they impose on us?

How many of those people were willing to move to where the jobs were? Unfortunately, there are a lot of people who will only look locally. There are definitely jobs out there, but not always where you happen to be.

It’s a good chart. if you compare to past elections down to 1992 yo get a better idea for the trend. It’s hard to say for sure, but turn out was about the same for Hilary as it was Gore. It may be more telling about Obama’s ability to get people out voting for him, than anything.

I think you didn’t comphend this line:

Depends on how the patent is written. Part of deciding to patent something is trying to figure out exactly what you want to protect, and if it’s actually valuable to protect. Not everyone is good at this.

The problem here is on identical routes, women are generally taken for longer rides. Why? If everything was equal, you’d expect a very low deviation. 5% is a lot statistically.

“So is this a thing one could do? Absolutely. Do most people have the discipline to actually do it? Hell no.”

Say’s a lot about Ford’s quality control process, doesn’t it?

“Interpretive conclusion: If the production wasn’t moved to Mexico, MORE cars would be made in the US, requiring more US labor, which would be a jobs gain. That gain is what is lost.”

I think you’re missing something: There is a reason we are going away from the re-usability of the STS. The savings never panned out. Too much retrofitting was needed due to wear and tear of reentry. A reusable, gigantic ship will have the same problem. Simplify the ship, and you reduce that retrofitting cost

We’re getting closer and closer to actually having Asimov’s Three Laws....

No one is holding the car to +/- 0.005" tolerance on the alignment. The 0.01" is how much they were OUTSIDE the allowable tolerance.

Serious response: Volume. If 1% of Ferrari FF’s go up in smoke, that’s a pretty limited impact to the population. If 1% of Honda Civic’s did that.....