FYI - Fakespot gives this product’s reviews a rating of “F.”
FYI - Fakespot gives this product’s reviews a rating of “F.”
FYI - Fakespot gives this product’s reviews a rating of “F.”
FYI - Fakespot gives this product’s reviews a rating of “F.”
Last game of the year Brent, can’t hold anything back now.
It looks generic as fuck. It is very pretty looking so the world looks fakish and not in a good way. Plus the hero is such a pretty boy that has cringe worthy dialogue. It really needed to be an older guy or something. Just terrible.
Drunk before 3:00 again, eh?
That’s actually a pretty cool house. Just needs some TLC.
Seriously. It’s interesting - I grew up in the Midwest, and geese there are considered pretty, and respected because of their rare tendency to mate for life with the same pairs.
Fuck geese. Goose is a trash bird. I hope it dies next time.
Yep its called breaking the TOS that you sign when you start up the game, which obviously they will update. More companies should start doing this, fuck a refund if you feel the need to spend $60 bucks on a game to cheat then thats on you....Nobody feels sorry for these fucksticks
I get a call at the office from my insurance company one day telling me that they’ve recovered my stolen car. I tell them they must be mistaken because I didn’t report a car stolen - then they begin to verify my information and it just starts crushing me as I realize it’s actually my car that was stolen the night…