BLM Bitch

Every? What you mean that one? or are you talking in general about ANYONE who wishes to argue against me? (and for most of these comments including yours, calling them arguments is a hell of a stretch).. are you a women?.. So I suppose the very most you ‘might’ be able to get away with is I’m an equal opportunity

I resorted to caps for the obvious reason, that shouldn’t have to be explained.

Really? Not confident enough in your ability to put your thoughts into coherent terms?

Prove that comment, or shut the fuck up.

Rabid feminist bitches? No, your sarcasm is spot on.

Your still not getting laid tonight Joel, so quit pandering.

Conrad, your still not getting laid tonight.

Good lord, the 60's? Do you have any concept of the context of that time?

Heh, I was making sure she understood that I was shouting at her.

Look. I have no problem with the novels that won. I do not have time to read enough to properly weigh in on such an award. That said, the Nebula award’s stated goal is to award to the best novel, novela, and such for the year. From their own website:

Cool story.

It’s a troll.

Also, if you are a man then I am a woman not a female. Sheeesh, your writing makes it sound like you think woman is a dirty word.



You're annoying.

OMG this is the worst thing I heard. Forceful equality, just because something is not full (in any capacity) let’s reward them?

I think that happened many years ago. Who gives a crap about gender, race or anything else. The work and by association the authors should be celebrated.

You say bias, I say applicability.

Is it because they deserve it or because ‘it’s their turn’?