No, you’re thinking of North America and South America. Just America is short for United States of America. Don’t feel bad, you read Kotaku so you can’t help being ignorant.
No, you’re thinking of North America and South America. Just America is short for United States of America. Don’t feel bad, you read Kotaku so you can’t help being ignorant.
You poor poor mindless child.
They’re not journalists, and they’re not gamers either. I’ve been to a lot of gaming sites and the only one that isn’t a tabloid filled with ignorant non-gamers who pander to the mindless drooling casuals has been Joystiq. They acted like journalists until the end. They had integrity, they fact checked, they had an…
It’s because none of you are gamers. Not you, not the readers, and not the writers. You are the casuals destryiong gaming for the rest of us.
Destiny is an Acti-Blizz game and they are payed by Acti-Blizz to promote their games with lots of articles and push Acti-Blizz propaganda. That’s why Kotaku puts more articles out for these games than even sites who are dedicated to Blizzard games like BlizzWatch. It’s one of the reasons the writers here are banned…
Activision has ruined so much lately. They’ve completely ruined Blizzard and caused their games to be shit. They are probably responsible for WoW getting run into the ground (Something Kotaku readers likely don’t know about from all the propaganda Kotaku publishes for Blizz). They killed GH and CoD is getting worse…
Except that Daria shirt.
Surprised you nut jobs are’t crying that the sperm bank raped her. Feminists are hysterical and irrational.
At least you believe everything you read online on a site known for its liars and fanatical agenda. That’s all we really need to know to know you belong here.
Gross, he’s putting his fleshlight near his face.
Fuck, I need to go play FFXI again...
Aww, lesbians.
Type-0 isn’t a real FF. GTFO groom. Once she realizes her husbando is a casual I expect her to divorce the casual and be the wiafu of a real gamer.
Wish this was a game. Looks way better than CoD and BF.
Orgin Trail is text based and isn’t able to shock like seeing something is.
Kotaku is payed by Blizzard to promote the games they’re selling. Obviously Blizz wants people to buy Diablo 3 and not 2 or 1. And Kotaku already promotes HOTS with tons of articles, so D3 needed a place to be promoted, which is why this article exists, so they could slip it in with some greats like Fallout, FFT and…
Kotaku supporting a company that has shown it is sexist and homophobic proves these people only care about clicks and money. All of their SJW articles are just pandering. As long as Blizz keeps paying, Kotaku will keep promoting Blizz games and keep them on the ignore list. What’s that called? Oh right, extortion. If…
You got your i’s & u’s mixed up again. Should say suck, not sick. Though Activision-Blizz does pay this site so maybe not.