I've pulled a few sport coats and cowboy hats out of the overheads to stick my roller in. Most of the time I use my backpack as my complete luggage though and skip the overhead too!
I've pulled a few sport coats and cowboy hats out of the overheads to stick my roller in. Most of the time I use my backpack as my complete luggage though and skip the overhead too!
Explanation for this is simple. Idiots overboosted them and because Mazda was stupid enough to spec a Speed Density EFI management system vs a Mass Air system the cars ran lean just as soon as you did anything to uncork them. Lean and rotary make for a very bad marriage! Had they gone MAF like say the Supra, the…
Soooo I know this is a sort of bash Chrysler thread but... I own a 996 911 that had some spooky electrical issues for awhile. I'd come out to a dead battery often and once while parked outside it began to rain - and the auto wipers were dutifully clearing the windshield of the parked car! Culprit? A small ignition…
My VW has one of those tanks, I believe you will find them in several American cars too. My Subaru has something like that too if memory serves. Those plastic tanks showed up years ago and are all over the place now.
Look into the complexity of the TT for repairs. Like them but would run like hell from them and from a VR-4.
Build quality is pretty decent IMO. However the ignition switch issue, the coolant pipe issue (thankfully not seen this one on mine), and the issue with the clutch booster kinda suck. ALL of these have fixes and otherwise the damn things fly, mind you mine's a breathed on turbo model. Really like it and I paid nowhere…
The earlier the better! Compounding interest makes the early money worth the most, give as much as you can into it and you will be thankful later.
Actually a few of the Sunoco stations in my area pump their unleaded high test from a standard pump. VERY expensive but it's "race gas" same as you get in 50gallon barrels at the race shop and taxed for road use. Otherwise yeah, they expect taxes and the aggro diesel here is dyed so they can inspect the tank.
The only "race gas" that's illegal is that which contains lead in it. Most of the full on race gas where I'm at doesn't - people don't like it because it kills wideband O2. E85 on the other hand is indeed damned awesome - and sadly nearly unobtainable where I'm at. That stuff makes great power but I agree it's shit…
yeah, and it's also full of ignorance <shrug>
Oh they did the full EPA testing and came to that conclusion? No? then you can NOT say that. I know who Kooks is but I also know that no matter what some sniffer said that testing pales in comparison to what OEMs test as required by the EPA. Will your brother's system last 100K miles? Will they warranty it that long?…
Cleaner than factory? Says who? The testing the OEMs go through is very strict. If the company making those headers is confident let them get the proper certification - the process exists. It's also expensive for a reason. I bet the number of hard parts that pass first try is pretty slim!
An idle, high idle, and light drive don't tell you nearly enough abkt compliance from a sniffer standpoint. Using the ECU is a good idea and a tough visual is too if we're going to be honest about it. These days many of us saddled with these tests tweak the ECU even if the car runs clean just to skip the hassle.
Etching the car's VIN into the glass. This is an old school way of making sure that stealing your car is a ROYAL PITA since you cannot simply change a VIN tag. It's also likely predating when things like fenders had VIN stamped into them from the factory.
Not just deer, a friend in a 911 turbo hit a groundhog at speed. Took out two of the three radiators up front and trashed the front-end. Car survived but had a new GT2 front-end afterwards...
I have a breathed on 996 turbo and while not quite as much power as this one makes it scoots even on low boost. Yes, even in the same area he was driving, it CAN be used. The extended lane before the offramp with the jersey barriers and smooth pavement? 135++mph then you hit the brakes for the sweeping offramp. :-)…
Does anyone really think that this was the ONLY way he attempted to discuss this? Every time he attempted to initiate sex and get close with rare exception he was dismissed - that hurts. Hurts enough that he began tracking it. Funny, I don't see anything in there about her having initiated sex - do you? So he asks and…
Yes, swap in a late model Turbo motor and call it a day :-)
Fireworks?! You're an idiot if you think it's bottle rockets being launched at them. Want things to get better? Stop launching rockets and killing people for starters.