
Look more closely at the full video. 49-50 second mark just before Rover takes off. Now look at the PASSENGER side and see the guy in the white top\black helmet strike the passenger side of the car. Likely the window and where this man's wife was sitting. Still think they weren't threatening him? The split second

Watch the video more closely - after the Rover takes off you can see the carcass roll off from the front right tire. It's like a little doughnut rolling down the road and the camera dude points at it - others cheer. The Rover was in trouble and this is why he pulled off the highway, he was looking for help and

Considering they couldn't maintain lane discipline it's certainly possible they got bumped previously. However this appears to be the leading edge of the pack and since this group has a reputation for shutting down highways (they do it in the video actually) it's quite possible they were forcing him to a stop so they

You again? No, look closely - passenger side at the 49-50 second mark. White top, dark helmet, slamming into the passenger side window where this guy's wife sits. you see him again right after Rover blasts off. Yeah, he was peaceful wasn't he? The smashed window in the picture taken from above posted in this thread

You may understand fully how the bikers acting as a mob felt but I don't think you understand at all how the man felt. His children and his wife were being threatened! I frankly don't care that the other guys didn't see anything and followed when he fled but I completely understand why this man fled - he was cornered.

Ah finally more coming out. I have ZERO doubt that lots of those guys were rolling video and it just gets more and more damning for them. How horrific must it have been for this man's child and wife to experience and witness this? I wish him a speedy recovery!

You missed what went on at the passenger window around the 50 second mark and JUST before Rover blasts off. White top, dark helmet - seen after Rover passes too. He was trying to enter the passenger side where the wife was seated.

Keep watching, at the 50 second mark a guy with a dark helmet and white top bangs on the passenger side glass, you can see him better after Rover takes off. He is brushed back by the flight and I don't see him at all after Rover crushes a few bikes and gets away. That guy was most certainly threatening the man's wife

You didn't watch the same video as everyone else did you?

How do you let them pass when they cut into your lane and block you? Ah yes, with the right foot. Threaten a man's family and pay the price. There was no ego here except on the part of the bikers and while it's a shame a few were urt it could've been way worse - he had plenty of opportunity to take out others and

Did you not see them surround him, force him to slow, cut into his lane, incite an accident, attempt to enter his vehicle on his wife's side, and attempt to block his exit from the situation? No? You must have been watching a different video than the rest of us with common sense. These guys put themselves in harm's

The guy lunging at the passenger side window at the 50 second mark, threatening the driver's wife and family, is who caused this. The driver fled as he should have when faced with a MOB. He stopped when the incident occured and they attacked. How many of those bikers dialed 911? Apparently none but the Rover driver

Somehow you have failed to note that the guy was surrounded while minding his own business, tried to stop - while calling police - after this guy cut him off and incited an accident, and then was attacked - so he fled. Don't want to be run over? Don't step in front of a large vehicle while threatening a man and his

They stopped him, they attempted to enter his vehicle after surrounding it, he protected his wife and child. It truly sux that one of them is hurt but he associated with these guys and put himself in harm's way, he paid for it. That you cannot see this tells me you either didn't watch the video closely enough, that

Ah a better rez version - thank you! Now, at the 50 second mark checkout the guy in the white top and dark helmet who lunges at the passenger side door. A split second later Rover takes off - he is the trigger IMO. That man lunged at this guy's wife, mother of his child. He hits the gas and that guy falls back, you

The good that can come of this is the bike community policing it's own. More need to follow your lead and abandon these wild groups...

No, a million times NO! Watch the video closely, they tried to enter his vehicle after he stopped the very first time. At the 50 second mark it's clear if you look for it, they were already banging on his passenger window. Why would they stop in front of his vehicle? Can you imagine having loved ones in the car, being

Actually to me this sounds like a good start. Make the bikers uncomfortable - all of them. Sucks right? Start policing your own! Shun these guys, make them uncomfortable too. Abandon their rides. These are as popular as they are because they've gotten away with doing it in the past and they will only grow. Stopping