
So you don't actually know anything about the shared economic zone between SK and NK then? Right, got it. Educate yourself a bit and then you'll understand. those are SK citizens, no one LIVES in that economic zone. You really thought that NK would allow SK citizens to live in their territory? lol

They do NOT live in NK, they live in SK. they were working in a shared space in NK and have been kicked out and told to go HOME. Do you really not know anything about this?

If he was clearly braking the entire time how fast was he going when he pointed his cruiser at them? If he was braking he sure didn't appear to be trying too hard to stop, any vehicle I own would've been able to come to a complete stop far quicker than the cruiser did! What sort of investigation was done, surely

Funny, when my 1995 was wrecked the insurance company claimed it wasn't worth but $16K despite the 25K worth of work and parts don to it including new paint etc. Funny how that book works for the insurance companies when they want it to...

RB26 is a good swap but you're not using US market parts so it can be a little bit of a hassle. SR20 is another. V8 swap is CAKE and these days an LS1 type motor would also be dead nuts easy. My choice is a 2JZGTE and subframes for this swap already exist. Swapping in a V8 isn't hard, a few metal plates for mounts,

I have a V8 swap and am going to move back to an I6 - 2JZGTE! the V8 swaps can actually weigh less than the I6, make gobs more power, tons more torque, and handle better to boot. Don't dismiss them, they really do make the car fun if you've beefed the rest of the driveline properly. It's also really easy to do. The I6

That's Darius and an old video. Lots of good swaps over on - I really need to get mine in gear...

Swapping to a manual wouldn't be hard at all. The OEM clutches are hydraulic and the shifter lines up pretty well on say a T5. That said - he's right in his estimation if perhaps even a little high. Run of the mill SBC aren't worth crap :(

Wiring isn't super difficult on these cars but the glass fuse fusebox tends to melt as the clips heat up from surface corrosion raises resistance. the rest of the car could be wired up pretty easily. Only about 4 wires in the engine bay need to be used to have a running starting SBC. Oh, add wiring for the headlights

Rust is an issue with these cars - I'd know as I've got one in fine shape with a SBC in my garage. the first one I bought turned out to be beyond salvage so i spent a little extra on the second and it's pretty much rust free. You cannot just look at one of these and spot the rust though so before buying this I'd have

Glad you posted, watching the vid I was going to say the same thing. Way too much flame for there not to be fuel involved and it seemed to be more like a clutch or flywheel explosion than a diff. How badly was the motor damaged?

Wheelspin, if he shifted while spinning without enough speed it would've caught traction and bogged right off the power curve. He's likely got the rev limiter set low enough that banging off of it isn't an issue...

No that's likely mostly because of the power curve of the turbo coming on boost. I've driven a high HP car with a curve like that - I saw power increases of over 200HP at the wheels in about 1K RPM. You don't have to slam the peddle but you sure as hell do have to hold on!

Looks AWD too which is the right way to do it!

Drop an apple and a bowling ball from a height at the same time - they will land at the SAME time. Yes, air friction will make a difference but at any height that you or I are likely to be able to easily achieve the difference is going to be negligible.

Correct. A Mr. Newton proved this I believe. Drop a bowling ball and a marble - they fall at the same speed.

My thoughts EXACTLY! He stps down on it, gets a little wheelspin, and then HOOKS - uh oh!

Once upon a time while racing a friend up a hill I didn't pay enough attention and smacked a parked car - I exited over the handlebars face first into said car. I knocked out a tooth and also walked home which wasn't far. About the time I got home I began to experience pain in places guys are familiar with. I went

Seems completely justified to me. Spend an hour or more in freezing cold breaking your back and risking a heart-attack only to find that someone came along and MOVED the items you left to designate the spot as saved to park in it? I think the axe is a more appropriate weapon in this case. Hell if someone did that to

I'd say go for the 996T - and I did :-) I wouldn't say the motor is bullerproof but it's not bad and the car flies. Gets lots of looks and is just plain fun. However finding an exhaust system that doesn't drone in the aftermarket is a bitch and costs damn near a mortgage payment