“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
“and if she was so upset that he won, why did she work for him? I don’t understand that part.”
To be fair, Sinema is also in state that has a ton of voters of color, and a stronger base of consistently Blue voters. But, her campaign would probably be the one to mimic in a place like Kentucky. Even if progressives there don’t love her, they’ll get what she’s doing and support her to avoid seeing McConnell…
I never had an American Girl doll, but I remember poring through the catalog as a kid again and again and admiring the details of all the accessories. I was more of a Grand Champions and Littlest Pet Shop kind of gal, but I did love looking at that catalog for some reason! Maybe cause American Girls definitely know…
You’re suppose to drop the mic, diddy.
I... don't understand why she is mad... also please stop slapping your stroller. Rude.
Hey Millennials! I am almost 40 (AHHHH) and I think you are doing great. For real.